the demons ignorance

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Sira's pov
I slowly stand and walk to the triangle shaped window, opening it with ease and letting my eyes burst in flame, turning them orange from thier gold color and my hair turns red as my wings extend and i fall to the ground. I pull up just before i hit the ground and i soar into the forest, quickly scaling over the trees. Happiness fills me as i soared but worry still plauged me. Suddenly a blue band of magic surrounded me and pulled my wings in. Suddenly a laser hits the band and i quickly open my wings but it catches on a tree and a crack sounds as i collapse to the ground. I stand and pull my wing to my shoulder as a man in a long brown coat holding a smoking gun as i struggled not to scream in pain. He comes over to me and looks at my destroyed wing" comeon, that won't keep bill back for long, he's been trying to get incentive for error for weeks now. Besides your injured, you won't last long out here." I nod" o-ok take me to my bro, and your right, i can't fly with this wing." He grabs my arm and pulls me to the shack again. I hope that my brothers are doing better than i am
Errors pov
Ford saw sis leave the shack, those twins must've fixed her up then she left in search of us, and instead hurt herself from what i saw. Ford came with stan who was helping sira stand, her wing in a horrible position as stan helped her sit, i go over and be as gentle as i can as i reset her wing, she bites her lip but it doesn't stop her from crying out in agony as it set, but she was able to stand again once i finished. I use my strings to make a splint for it and she let me put it on. I helped her to the elevator and to sit in a chair in the tv room i pull the two babybones i found named Null and Void.( i had to ok!) Aparently thier daddy looked similar to me yet had turned to dust at bills hand. I hold my sisters arm gently as Null and Void came and cuddled in her lap, feeling the protective and calm warmth of her magic. Sira finally gained the strength to speak" who are these babybones? And wheres the rest of the family?" I smile" mEeT nULl aNd Void, mY aDopTeD bAbYbOneS, aNd evEryOnE iS dOwNsTaIrs, tHe yOuNgEr tWiNs arE uPstAirs, pRobAblY sTiLl dAzzlEd bY yOuR fLyiNg sKilL, i'Ll gO Get tHem." I go for the stairs and walk up and knock on the twins door. Dipper opens the door and i say" mY sIsTeR iS dOwNstaIrS, tHanK yOu fOr hElPinG hEr bUt yOu sHoUld hAve bRoUghT hEr to Me, cOme On." They follow me downstairs. I sit down next to sira and i introduce her to the whole Pines family. Hopefully bill thinks twice before messing with me.

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