Tech and SOUL

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Sira's pov
I slowly woke to feeling warmth surround me, yet it felt rubbery, i look up to see some kind of blubbery robot above me and i slowly sit up, my wings quickly turning into a jacket that looked like a standard leather jacket." Where am i?" The robot moves and says in its soft robotic voice" you are in Freds Mansion, your skeleton friend, Error, brought you here, your body tempatures were low so i took the liberty of warming you up." I smile and say" thanks ummmm, do you have a name orrr," " My name is Baymax, a personal, healthcare companion." "Nice to meet you Baymax, i'm Sira. Can you please tell me where Error is? I need to talk to him." "Why yes, he is that way." He points a finger in a direction and i stand. "Thanks baymax." I run in the direction error is in. I spot the glitching skeleton watching over some kids and i look around for cameras and i spot one. Gray magic surrounds my hand as it covers with a gray haze, blocking it's vision and i let my wings unfold and spread at my shoulders." Why did you help me error?" "I cOulDn'T lEt aNoTheR hAvE mY fAtE." I smile" thank you error, i've been in there for years, searching for my brothers, but no luck." "BRotHeRs? WHo ArE tHey? I kNoW yOu mEt me WhIle i sTiLl hAd aNger bUBliNg iN me, But I'Ve LonG lOsT iT." I nod" my brother John was the demon you saw and of course sans and pap from the original since it's destroyed beyond repair." He nods "i See, i WiLl HeLP, It'S tHe leAst i cOulD dO sInCe yOu hEalEd mY BOdY Not mY mInd." I nod" thanks, i'll need the help." I sit down" so where'd you find the kids?" "SaVed tHeM fRoM dRowNing.""wow how long have i been out?" "2 hoUrs aT lEaSt" i nod" oNe oF tHe kIdS acTuALly cAme BaCk fOr mE bEfOre i PasSeD oUt, ThEy All FeLL aSlEep BefOrE i COulD tHanK tHem." I nod" the kids are good, i think they were just in the wrong place at the right time." He nods
/ time skip to morning/
Error's pov
The kids slowly wake up as fred sat up and i say"hEy FreD, ThAnKs foR pUlLinG mE uP, I aLmOsT pAssEd oUt dOwn ThEre." He smiles" your welcome error, you saved us after all, didn't want you to drown after doing a good deed." "I cAn'T dRowN" the unsaid'i've tried' hung in the air as error looked away from the teens eyes, showing the many cracks in his skull in the morning light, dust still slightly falling off his form."what's with all the black dust?" " wHeN mOnsTeRs dIe tHeY doN'T leAve BEhiNd a BoDy, tHeY tUrn tO dUsT lIteRlY, But dOn'T wOrRy, i wOn'T dUst aT aLl, i CaN'T dIe." He replied, holding back a snicker at Freds shocked expression and he asks" h-how many times have you tried?" He thought about it as he started to form a new jacket for himself" i'Ve fOrgOttEn How mAny tImEs aNd diFfEreNt thIngs I'Ve tRied FrEd, i CaNnOt dIe, FatE dOesN'T lEt mE, i JuMpPeD iNtO tHe VoId tO sEe iF thaT wOuLd StOp fAte, aS yoU cAn tEll" he gestures to himself and fred is just completely shocked, and worried for the other, about how much he's seen and done, how many times he's just wanted to die. Fred hugs error, causing him to glitch and slowly hug the teen that was now sobbing into his chest and he hears him saying" you weren't allowed to hope where you?" He slowly shakes his skull, more dust dispersing into the air as a fine particle. Fred calms down as the others slowly wake up and the girl that error had brought came over with a concerned look on her face and fred pulls away and Hiro says" we need a way to face the man in the mask, we almost died normally, he's the reason behind Tadashi's death and i'm going to stop him, who's with me?" Error stands and extends a hand, the girl following and she says" we both accept and will help you, you might even be able to help us hide and look normal in this world." Hiro looked over error" yeah thats something thats easy enough" the others stand and join us and sira smiles and says" my name is Sira just so you know" the other 5 nod and Hiro says" let's get back to my house and lets get started" we all nod and sira speaks up" i can help with transport, i can find where anywhere is in an instant, just give me the adress." Hiro lists his adress and she doesn't even concentrate for a moment before snapping and a portal opening under thier feet and we all fall through and she spreads her wings as the portal turns sideways and we come out in an alley and she folds her wings to look like a jacket again but hiro notices and stores the info for later as error lands naturally in the alley. The others fall out with a loud thump and sira turns and chuckles as she helps them up and each gives her thier name" Honey Lemon, GoGo, Wasabi." I nod" who's the nicknamer?" They all point to Fred and she chuckles. He snickers as he walks out and we see a cafe, error pulls up his hood so no one can fully tell what he is and we walk into the cafe, hiro leads us into a door that leads to a small garage and he walks over to a desk and a display comes up and he asks sira:" what kind of armor do you want?" Sira thinks for a moment and says" something thats easy to manuver in, and holes on my back for my wings and tail, i have to fly after all, and error can help with how spaced the fabric needs to be to let magic through." He nods and starts to work on custom armor for us and i started to aid in making a glass sleeve for all the helmets and openings in the suits, i was cautiously placing the sleeve into a system in case we needed to go underwater in fred's suit. He had a open system but i wanted to be safe, after all i was used to suprises. I slowly push the onoranium glass into the sleeve and i hear it click in place as my large draconic ears twitched at the sound of someone groaning in pain and i look at baymax, he sits there but is scanning and says"error needs help, his body is experiencing energy fluctuations in areas that are too brittle to move, he should not be walking." I stand and run out and error was on the floor of the main garage while holding where his soul is and his face is stricken with pain. I run over and i take him in my arms and i slowly lift his shirt and his soul was slowly piecing itself back together, that had to be painful to him. I remembered what papy taught me on how to do healing magic and i concentrate, warmth spread from my palms and his face slackens in relief as i rub my grayish-green magic into his ribs and he slowly cracks his eyesockets and says" tHanKs sIrA fOr tHat, It hURt mOre tHan I tHoUght iT dId." I nod" your welcome error." I slowly let my magic dim and he sits up and stands again, then we both see hiro's appaled face and asked" you can heal?" I nod and say" its really all about how much kindness you pour into your magic from your SOUL." That just made his jaw drop more and we both said together" oH bOy dO we hAve aLot to tEach hEre"

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