a wolven vamp

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Sira's pov
We fall in a heap in my void after just coming from the Pixie Hollow dimension. Slowly the others detangled themselves but i was on the edge of consiousness. John held me softly" get some rest sis, you'll need it." I nod weakly and let myself fade into sleep.
Some time later
I slowly wake to hear my brothers discussing something as i stirred and sit up to see a girl curled on the floor and i come over and i see a shattered screen beside her" oh no, is she the only one?" John shakes his head"error saved what code he could, but she was the only thing saveable though." She had flaming red hair with wolf ears poking out, a wolf tail flowing around her with red feathered wings spread out behind her, small fangs poking out of her mouth. She looked peaceful while sleeping and i sit by her side and i say" she's lucky, her family may still be alive out there somewhere." I gesture to the other screens" and we can help her with that" the others nod" that we will" sans says, his calm demeanor putting a smile on my face. The girl slowly stirred and her eyes fluttered open" where am i?" I smile softly" your safe, and in my Void-" she cuts me off by sitting up" where are my friends, my family?!" I sigh" they are scattered through the dimensions, but we can help you find them." She nods" thank you, my name is Amy, what are your names?" I smile" my name is Sira Dragonflame, balancer of dimensions and keeper of this Void" i hand it off to John" John Dragonflame, demon of ink and older brother to sira" he looks to error who says though she flinches at his glitchy voice" ErRoR, foRcEd deStrOyEr Of UnDerTalE unIveRsEs, BrOthEr tO sIrA." He looks to sans" Comic Sans Gaster, older bro to papyrus over there and younger to Sira." He gestures to papyrus and he speaks up" I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS, THE YOUNGEST OF US 6 AND THE PACIFIST FOR THE MOST PART." I smile and abyss speaks up" Abyss Sans Gaster, Fixer of Code and repairer of broken worlds, i'll start working on fixing yours now." He goes to the broken screen, putting some broken shards in his hands and his teal-like magic spans the broken screen. I hold my hand out to Amy and she takes it and i pull her to her feet." We're going to another world to see if we can find your friends or family, do you want to come?" She nods" it sounds like fun anyways" i smile softly" ok"
Time to make a desicion, if i need to i will set up the list again of the worlds i know like the back of my hand. For now, with balance-SIRABOOKS///

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