an ancient being

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Sira's pov
I slowly woke, my wing feeling alot better than it had been. My magic slowly helping me wake and heal. I open my eyes and sit up, my arms shaking from small amounts of pain filling my limbs. I stand up and start walking into the elevator. It heads up and i pull the blanket that was on me around my wings to conceal them. The door opens and i slip out, nobody being around, after all not many people really come to the shack since stan overprices things. I go upstairs to the attic and i knock on the door, soft movements causing my ears to flick under the blanket. The door opens and dipper looks up to meet my eyes and steps inside, allowing me in. I step in and dipper closes the door and i let the blanket slide off my wings and i smile. My hurt wing losing the ink that had soothed it, which means the membrane should heal in a few days, but my wing bone will heal in a week at least. I sit down on dippers bed and i ask,"what even hit me, when your uncle stan found me?" Dipper sighs," a dream demon called Cipher, he hit you with some sort of spell when you came in, there was this moment as you fell when black magic fired back and hit him dead on, he seemed rather suprised about that too, who exactly are you?" I smile knowing that that question was coming so i say," i'm Sira Dragonflame, the goddess of balance, my power reacted to his dark prescence and i hit him it seems." Dipper takes this in and says," wait your a goddess? That explains this feeling everyone gets when around you, like everything is stable when your nearby. Error feels pretty different as well, is he a god as well?" I nod," god of destruction to be more exact, which i feel like this Cipher is trying to become, a demon of destruction, similar to the power of a god, though error could probably have a good fight with him that would last maybe a minute. So i'm not entirely worried about Cipher. After all we have two higher beings here, it might take me a bit less than a week to heal fully and then i'm back to my usual strength." He nods," thanks for that, it helps alot, its scary when i'm just a young kid against the world." I smile," i was like that, once, except i had to hide my true self because of magic. I lasted till age 15, then, something horrible happened and i was convicted of having magic and thrown from my world, then they sent an assasin to finish the job. I beat him, but then i tried to heal him, that was a mistake." I pull out my sword, Ataxia lighting the blade blue and i sigh as the memories of my attempt flooding my mind. But i continued," it killed him instead, he became trapped in my blade, i didn't discover him for many years later. I fell in love with someone i saved, him showing me around his home and trying to get me accepted, he accepted my love and we started dating, then he showed me an annual ceremony that helped accomodate the kids to thier home enviroment. The kids were forced into an ash barrier that surrounded the town, i had no choice, i rushed foward and i pulled the kids free of the adults grip. The adults then quickly bound me down and tied me to a stretcher, and carried me up the mountain, per my own lovers order. My very soul broke, thats how much it hurt, then they dropped me into the volcano, gaining a permenant vitamin deficancy and a burnt off leg." I showed him the metal leg and put it back on." I spent several thousand years trapped in obsidion, asleep but still awake, memories came back and a rage built in me for the man i once loved, Zackory Sandora." My voice was filled with venom toward the end and i sighed," the rest of my tale is hard to hear, so i will continue this, when we aren't faced with imineat destruction, its still hard to remember for someone like me." I get up and i head downstairs and outside, i leap onto the roof and the memories all rush into my head, my eyes closing as they burn with tears and they fall from my face onto my knees that i had pulled close to myself. My wings fluttering into the wind. Soon a strange dark magic flowed into the air and time seems to still around me, i quickly wipe my tears and i stand on the roof as a triangle with pyramid blocks on the bottom with a bowtie, cane and top hat coming into being and he says, the bowtie flickering slightly in tune to his words," ah, just the goddess i wanted to see, although not when you were thinking over your trials, sorry, i overheard your start that you were telling Pinetree. You were hit with this power alot harder than most huh? I can sypathise with that. Now to get to what i wanted to talk about. You are tired of fighting, i can see it, if you would surrender yourself to me, i would spare this world and your family can go free, and you could even watch me hold back from destroying this world yourself." My mind instantly tensed as mist takes over and says," no you dumb demon, sira and i would rather punch your pyramid to brick bits and then keep going to dust before even feeling sorry for you!" I smirk as i take over," what my soul companion said, we can't wait to punch you to dust, i may have had a hard past but its only made us stronger." My magic rages as mist and i become one and fear shows in bills one eye.

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