a destroyers mercy

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Error's pov
I stood before Callaghuan with a amused expression as he sent his bots after me and i dodge. I twitch my fingers, my strings coming to life on my hand. "I WaRNed yOu, i'Ll dO mY BeSt tO hOlD bAcK." I lunge foward, my strings wrap around his tower and i hear hiro yell" THE MASK! BREAK THE MASK AND WE CAN TAKE HIM TO THE POLICE, WE HAVE VIDEO EVIDENCE" i nod and i pull the strings and he starts to fall and i weave a net in the blink of an eye and he lands softly and i remove the mask and i barely twitch and it snaps into pieces." GAme oVEr. I hOpe thIs wOrLdS jUsTicE iS sWiFt." And i walk over to the door and i pull it open with ease. Hiro runs up" we just need to wait for either baymax to come back, or have fred call in the chopper to come pick us up." I nod" AlRigHt, He wOuLdn'T daRe tRy aNyThIng wItH mE aRoUnd." I walk over to where we were keeping callaghaun and i sit down and i glitch slightly as i feel a hand touch me and he says" get rid of mr kree, he took my daughter from me, i wanted to pull him out of his zone, show his true vunerability. You know what i mean? He took what was mine, i wanted to take what was his." I nod" pLeAsE lEt mE gO, i HaTe bEiNg tOUcHed aNd i WoUlD aPPrEciAtE NoT cRaShIng tOdAy." I push his hand off and i breathe slowly, trying to calm my glitches as i fight my crash programing. Baymax walks into the room and i stand up and walk to him" iS sIrA sTaBle?" He says" yes, and is resting, she barely made it back, her heart almost stopped, but she is stable now, although very weak." I nod" tHaNk yOu sO mUcH" i hug him and i smile with pure relief as my glitches calm down and i feel baymax hug back" your welcome error, i will fly the others back now, you are free to come with." I shake my head" sOmEoNe hAs tO wAtCh hIm." Baymax seems to nod and walks out and i sit against the wall, keeping my discolored eyes on Callaghuan. I sigh and i start to knit with my strings. I could only hope that she would be ok.

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