hope to the SOUL

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Sira's pov
I land on an underwater platform and i wait till i start seeing a brown scaled creature and they send a message to me saying" this one may not live, my young need to swim free in order for this one to live." I nod" i know, and i have what you need." She starts to move right past me, her octopus like tentacles shift naturally to allow her to flow through the water. I follow close next to her and she sets down in front of a hatchery of sorts. I set hiro down on her head and i quickly swim down to the hatchery and i pull out a small bottle of enzymes. I stick it into the panel and all the eggs start to shift and move as they hatch. Hiro seems to smile as they climb out of thier eggs. I swim over to the warpgate and the sea emporor blows away the sand and i put an ion cube from the fabricator into it, sending power into it. Hiro gasps as he gets weaker, he didn't have long. I find a slimy ball of yellow goop called enzyme 42. I pull it over to hiro and i stick his hand in and i watch the postules fade and he starts gasping as color starts flooding into his face and i sigh in relief as i grab some of the enzyme for the others, just in case. He slowly sits up and says" i was so close to losing the fight, you saved me just in time." I nod" too close for comfort but now you're immune and the other emporors will spread the cure to the rest of the planet." I sigh in relief and he says" that took alot out of me, can you make sure i get back?" I nod" sleep, you need it." I slowly picked him up" go enjoy your passing emporor, i need to get him safe and get some rest, please rest in peace, we will probably meet again." And i swim toward the surface of the tank and i open my wings and i leap onto the floor of the base with a gasp as my suit depressurizes and i stand. I slowly walk to the barrier and i teleport to right outside the base and i swim in through the moonpool and i set him down on the metal plating and i get out using the ladder and i take hiro to his room and since i had enough of the enzyme i go to the main room and i see the others perk up and john hugs me" sis! Did hiro make it?" I nod" he's immune now, he almost didn't make it, he just needs rest. Now i just need to put a bit of the enzyme to make you all immune, just in case." I go around and i place some on each of the others and they all had the same reaction as it settled into thier systems. I smiled as i knew that we would all be safe, i now had a proposal to make" what does everyone think of us moving to the surface so that we have things alittle easier? I've already got everything we need from down here, all we need to do is build a rocket and shut down the planetary defenses. And john and i can handle that part though, and we just need to gather the materials needed for the rocket."

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