villans unite

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??? Pov
I slowly stepped to a screen that lead to the dimensional void, my comrades behind me as i grip my sword, one of my comrades had my necklace in case of emergencies, but hopefully, sira is too amazed that i survived the falling of our world, i almost didn't and parts of my code were missing. But that only made me stronger, you better learn to run fast" Utlan of balance" for your family might not last much longer. A girl with brown bobbed hair with a small knife in hand, while wearing a green and yellow dress, a white boned skeleton looked like his usual painter self, with his beige scarf and vials of paints and massive brush that he calls " Broomy" just sketching out ideas. A tall, lanky dude who was covered in ink yet wore a mask of a demon smiling but the smile and eyes were cut out was speaking to his searcher buddies to prepare to attack and our void skeleton, the craziest Gaster of all, we only needed one more member, and our friend on a lower level would be our bargining chip for that. My name is Zackory Sandora, and readers, dare try and warn sira during the Q&A, well, lets just say it'll only reach the author. The diamond winged fairy called Sirabooks. Theres soooo much i want to tell you, but unfortunatly, the author guides my every word. I chose my actions but the words are not my own. This will be very intriguing to watch and see you all squirm in my dark magic.
/ yeah, Zack is a high meta character* slaps him and he walks away* who do you think the 6th member of the villan squad will be? I'll have fun reading the comments and please, post questions for our characters or moi, we will answer the best we can. Just no dirty minders or they will not be shown. Anyways with balance- SIRABOOKS////

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