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Sira's pov
I slowly come to, my aching body slowly rising as i say," so this place has an unforgiving curfew, got it." I stand up slowly and i send magic down my limbs, regenerating my strength and easing the ache in my muscles and bones. Eve gets up saying," Man we have a curfew? Well thats gonna suck." I laugh and say," could've been worse, we could've been out exploring the town or the mines when it hit." Error sighs," iNdEeD, wE'Ll jUsT hAvE tO bE cAreFul." I nod and go outside, watering the parsnips we have and i allow my ancient utlan magic to flow, causing my vines to spring up around my ankles. It looks like this soil has some magic of its own. I let the small vines dissapate and i smile, deciding to go look around town for a bit. I wrap my wings around my ribs and wraps magic around them, making an illsusion of a leather jacket. I then wrap my tail around my waist several times, doing the same camoflauge. I start to wander through the town, meeting people that seemed almost locked with certain phrases to say. That disturbed me enough that i spread my wings to find zero reactions from any townsfolk. It was almost like they were in a haze and they only saw me a certain way. I went back home and said," don't go into town unless your buying seeds, it's.... creepy there." Eve nods and i sit down, my wings droop and i ask eve," what was your family like?" She tenses and says," my brothers Ethan and Rasberry were the only family i had, till i met you guys. Ethan and i were very close, Rasberry and i, not so much. We fight whenever we meet." I nod," i see, all i had was my mom and dad on Utlas, i still don't know if they truly died. But i wish i knew how to find them but my world is long gone." She nods," i see we come from similar homes i guess." I giggle and nod.
/ so 5k, man, i never thought it would happen, thank you all so much, it means alot to me and my new cowriter on this story, there is alot ready in the works, i've just been busy learning to be an adult anyways, keep reading and have a nice summer- SIRABOOKS/

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