a demons bribe

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John's pov
Bill held my soul tightly, keeping it from the pull of my body, i was gasping, desperate for the emotions my soul contained. The numbness hurt so much, almost as much as when i was left behind so many years ago. I struggled as bill let my soul go, the pain stopped and my breathing somewhat evened out. I felt my ink steady out. Bill says" well that takes care of you trying to escape, since your magic is bound to your soul, such a stupid idea and thought to cling to." I managed to bring myself to a sitting position and bill exits the room. I start to focus as the pain cleared. I needed to form a pentagram so i could contact anyone that i knew. I pool my ink onto the floor and then i start to draw a five pointed star around me. I smile as the ink pools upward and it forms a small ink portal, a simple form of communication but it worked. I saw a small cottage with a man in a fez, leading customers around. This didn't make sense, i should be near one of my family if not all of them judging by the vivity of the portal. The man sees me then quickly sends the people into the next room to explore. He runs over and says" hey kid, you must be Siras big bro?" I nod" Bill Cipher has me, but not for long, i don't think he realizes that i'm a stronger demon than him." The man nods" the names Stanley Pines, all your siblings are downstairs from here, once you get ready to leave, aim for there and you'll be safe" i nod" thanks Stan, i'll be there soon enough."
I quickly cut the line and i look at the tiny cage that holds my soul, i laugh as i go through the electrified bars with ease. I've died so many times to it that i just no longer feel it happen, same goes with any physical attacks, such as beheading or hanging, now thats a fun sight to see. Anyways i slowly slip a clawed hand through the bars and i hold my soul, i pull it through and i place it back in my chest, feeling relief spreading through my body as it started to heal. I make another pentagram and open my hands as the area filled with ink, i slowly go under the ink, into the well of voices. I swim for the exit i made, ignoring the voices as they pulled at me. I swim out the light filled hole i made. I pull myself from the ink, not even slightly out of breath as i shut the opening after. I walk around the strange lab-like area till i hear voices. I heard errors glitchy tones talking to someone and i rush out to see stan and error talking and stan says" i didn't expect you to be that fast kid, you really meant it when you said not for long." I chuckle slightly as i nod."  I told you that Cipher had underestimated me, besides i'm practically invincible and error knows it." Error nods" iTs TrUe, I wOUlD'Ve lAuGheD iF yOu wErE eVeN sTiLl tHeRe jUsT tO hUmOr hIm." Stan chuckles slightly at that and smiles" ok kid, lemme take you to your sister, she got herself pretty hurt at the hands of the demon, but she'll be happy to be with you." I nod and stan leads me onword.

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