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Amy's pov
I stayed close to sira as we hopped across the pancake marsh. I slapped a buttersqiuto as it tried to go for my arm. She remained silent most of the time, which made me wonder what her thoughts consisted of. There was alot to this girl, and it showed, her eyes showing age and experience that came with alot of bad stuff happening to her. The way the other 5 talked to her, it was if she was broken deep inside. I wanted to get to know her, but i doubted that she'd tell this curious wolf. There was also the issue of where do i start? My eyes fell downcast as i thought about home, was it really gone? What had even happened to her home? Her school, her family, her life? Was she destined to roam the dimensions, despratly in search of her family? I shake my head as i leap over a spot of syrup. Desprate to shake the dark thoughts in my head. A flash of red shone in my peripheral vision. I look around but i spot nothing, i decide to wave it off and continue on. Soon we reach a massive rock candy tower and sira flicks her hands, sharp claws suddenly extending from her fingernails. She lunges up and her claws click into the candy tower. I let my wolf claws appear and i leap up to join her but my claws don't break through. My eyes widen as gravity starts to claim me and sira lets go of one arm and reaches out, her arm wraps around mine and she lifts me up to her and my claws click into the places she already dug. I smile and sigh in relief and she seemed to sag in relief next to me. She lept up and repeats the same as before, though i see her wings starting to poke out. When she leaps again i follow behind her, clicking my claws into place. She leaps up a final time and pulls herself up. I bound up after her, my claws digging in as i ran up the side, the crystal-like candy ripping under my claws as i lunge up to spring further. I leap up over the edge and sira grabs me, pulling me into the crystal candy cave. I breath heavily as i catch my breath. Sira held her hand out and a blue rope shot up, hitting her hand and it snaps closed. She wrapped it around her waist and clicks a small lever on her right foot and spikes click into the ground with ease." Come on up guys, it's safe!" She calls down. Suddenly a hand covers my mouth and i try to claw the hand that bound me but a red and black glowing knife suddenly sat at my neck and a creepy, boy-like childs voice whispered softly yet sharply" don't move a muscle unless you want to be freed from your head." I gulped as they took my arms and started to drag me away from the entrance. And i was powerless to stop it and save myself.
Thank you do much Flamewolfamy for letting me use your character for this, this'll be fun to write, though it may be awhile before another chapter comes out. Its the last 3 weeks of school so i need to do alot of work before school lets me out. Anyways with balance- SIRABOOKS////

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