an ancient world

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Error's pov
I take her inside, laying her down softly on a chair around. I softly ask her after i secure her leg bone," cAn i CheCk yOuR rIbs? YOuR ArmOr iS PrEttY bEAt uP." She nods and slowly i take off her armor, setting it aside to give it to sira later to fix in the night and i slowly lift up the shirt to see an obvious punch spot in the center of her ribs. I lift my hand and my strings flow into the wound and i look up, seeing her blush a deep orange, i raise a bone brow but shaking it off, focusing on the task at hand. After a minute i had sealed and cleaned the wound and with a sigh of relief i lowered her shirt and let her relax, picking up the armor and taking it to sira to repair and she gave me the first two books of her travels, in case she became bored. Even saying that as she finished the books the next ones would appear as she wrote the jornals. I set down the books and go back to my knitting project, hoping to finish the sunset blanket soon. After a week we were all feeling much better and sira was fully healed, as well as Eve, and we decided to all stay together as we traveled and we step into the dimension void and sira says," before i send us to a new world, i wish to ask sans, papyrus and Abyss something. I wanted to ask you guys if you could stay in the void, abyss as the fixer of Dimensions, Sans as the Guardian of the Void and Papyrus the healer of the void." They all smile and nod, accepting thier new titles and sans and pap walk to the grassy sanctuary of the void and abyss flaps his wings, floating near a broken screen, slowly calling the pieces back together. She slowly ask the remaining 4 of the family," Where do you wish to go?" Eve looks around the screens and pokes at one saying," there". Sira nods and ties our tethers together and steps through the portal into the new world.

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