a fight of a life

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Sira's pov
Our magic flared in gray beams and hits that rang across the sky. My gray wings surged foward and my black and white blade sliced deep into the demons form, leaving a white glowing wound behind and we continue to clash, him turning to a human form with a long tailcoat with yellow brick design on the inside, my armor also glimmering with strength and power as mist and i fought together, ataxia slicing on one side, my balanced blade on the other. Cipher summons two blue flaming blades in both hands, only one in each. We smirk and lunge, each sword with a mind behind it as the wind was cut cleanly and i held his swords with my own. A surge of magic fills our veins and i push hard, pushing Ciphers swords aside and we slice and meet just below his eye, suddenly slamming pain racks through our body as he stabs us with his swords, flames burning at us. But i push on as i yell," DIE IN THE DEPTHS OF THE VOID!" Powerful black and white magic fills the air and he screams out some backwards words and dissapears. I feel our body fold back into my own and i collapse, the swords dissapearing from my sides and i fall to the ground. I knew this body wasn't going to hang on long... i needed to get back. I stand weakly and take off, my wings carrying me, me limping through the sky as i flew for the shack. I see it as my wings start to give out and i fall to the meadow, both wounds sprouting scarlet blood with magic hints lurking inside. My breathing started to slow as someone lifts me into thier arms and i see john gently holding me and he's attempting to heal me and i say," too much damage..... i can't hold this body any longer, i need to reform." He understands and my eyes close, my breathing slowing to a stop, my heart stops as blood is nonexsistant and my mind shuts off and draws into my soul. It slowly raises over my chest and john gently lifts my soul as the body turns to dust.
Dippers pov
I saw the whole thing and i bolted for the shack to watch her fall to the ground, fatally wounded and weak. John runs out the door and scoops her up, a pentagram sprawling at his feet and she says something to him and it fades into the ground. i rush over and touch her neck to feel her pulse getting weaker till it finally stops, a black and white heart floating from her chest and john holds it sadly, and her body turns to ash. A tear rolls down my face but john says," she will be reborn, it just takes time." I nod amd follow him inside, picking up her sword and scabbard and heading inside, a new calm on the horizon.

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