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Sira's pov
I wake up when i start hearing sobbing and i sit up and see Klien reading over the list of people who died yesterday. They devolped this system that if a players HP dropped to 0 then it would list thier handle and how they died so they could count the bodies from Laughing Coffins kills. I look over and i count 5 on the list from that guilds kills. My eyes simmer slightly as i hug Klien and he pulls himself into me, my wings wrapping around him, creating a barrier from the outside world. We stayed like that for a while when he eventually pulled away and says" one of the PKs was my brother, and he was in the town of beginnings, doing the same good work i was. We wanted to help those like abyss, Colless and no one to help, but now my younger brother.... is gone." I nod" my parents were murdered when i was 6 and the rest of my kingdom hated that i had magic, it was against thier laws to have it and the Council send them to another planet to be executed, john left 15 years before me, he was trapped in a warehouse/studio for animated characters. Every time he'd die, he'd just ressurect, but at a price. He was slowly changed into a demon till finally, when i found him he was completely changed. His insanity was high after being left behind, i had to kill him for him to get his head on his shoulders, literally. Meanwhile i was stronger than my assasin, he surrendered but i killed him by accident." I draw my sword and it glows a patient blue as it sat on my hands" he's forever trapped in my blade, unable to let go and i've tried releasing him, he no longer wants to leave me, not after some of the things i've seen." I sheath it and he looks at me" what about abyss and error? Whats thier story?" I smile softly" abyss's world was destroyed and he was tasked with fixing the AU's inner codes. Error was a forced destroyer that has gone through horrors that i can never dream of, i have two more brothers but thier either not here or havn't revealed themselves yet. Thier code names are Comic and Russel, we use them if we're in a world where thier games exsist, or another game, just to be safe." He nods and hugs me" you guys need to stay strong ok? Stay strong for the hopeless." I nod" we already are." I hug him back for a moment but i pull away and i stand. My wings unfold and i go to the fridge we have and i pull out ingreadients to make a good breakfast. I quickly set to work, my gray magic working hard as i start sizzling some sausages and bacon/ sorry again/ i grab a fish for me and i start cooking that in the oven. Klien walks over and asks" who's the fish for?" I chuckle and say" me, i once was in an area where it was always night due to a volcano nearby. It caused permanant vitamin deficincy so i eat fish for my vitamin D, and i take vitamins for the rest." He nods" i see, thats really interesting too." I nod" the chemicals really messed me up and i was thrown into said volcano, i don't know if my character here has it since i've not had the difference for a long time." I click my right foot," i've grown used to pain in my bare feet so it's hard to tell the difference." He nods and kicks my right foot and i hear a clanking sound" well, now thats one way to see but yes, i have a metal foot. It burned off in an unfortunate consequence of being thrown in." The memories floated to the surface and the rage at zackory's face, his betrayal still stung deep in my soul, i had hoped to be a family there one day. But now, all my feelings for him were replaced by rage. I shake my head and the memories cleared. I flare out my wings as i hear the oven go off and i pull the fish out. I smile and grab the fish by the tail and i eat it with pure ferocity. Once i finish i wipe my mouth with a napkin and i finish up breakfast. I once more hum my theme as klien walks out, he'll adjust, with time at least.

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