mystery of a warrior

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Sira's pov

John came over as pain racked through my wings. John walks over and he uses his ink to seal the hole and i sigh in relief as i hug my older brother. Gentle ink limbs lift me up and he holds me close, humming an old song i held dear, his voice breaking into song.
An ancient tide, ripples against the world.
An ancient girl, forgotten among the waves
With wings of ebony and sunset, a tail sharper than iron and steel. Eyes brighter than the hottest flame. Yet she holds a heart shattered by trials.
A world broken stands at her feet, yet tears fall down her pale cheeks.
A broken family, yet some how whole.
He sang in our ancient language that we knew as kids. I let my eyes close and my body fades away into calm sleep.
Johns pov
Sira relaxed into sleep quickly singing the ancient song, i never realized it was a prophecy till i saw sira with her open wings. She has seen so much in her years. Yet it helped her have a heart brighter than gold. She tried to help everyone she could.
It was unfortunate that no one fully understood what she tried to do for help. It always lead to thier destruction. We helped where we could but some don't accept it, and are wrapped up in thier pride that they can take whatever came thier way. Error used to be like that and i remember him turning sans and pap and me against sira yet she still showed him, using vines from an unknown source to hold him down until we could escape. She never told me how those vines came to being, yet she learned to use her soul magic soon after. Maybe she still doesn't know herself. Doesn't stop her from being a perfect leader and an amazing sister.

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