the attack of destruction

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Zacks pov
Hello readers again, its finally time to attack and hopefully, destroy the utlan goddess for good and eternity. Or maybe even lock her in the void eternally? That may work.... hmmm thoughts for another time. Back to the topic at hand, i shout out to my team" It's time to be a destroyer of dimensions team! Our resident painter, where do you think we should hit first?" Said painting skeleton looks over from his painting and says" why don't we hit where they are? It might be good to at least show our prescence." I smile and consider our options and i nod." I agree painter, to Swallow Falls!" I chant in ancient glphs as magic springs to my fingers, flowing heavily into the air in front of me and it starts spinning, flowing and opening a deep rift into the flow of dimensions and i zero in on her esscence and the portal expands, reaching to where i wanted to go and i stop my chant. The portal glows strongly and i stumble slightly and our inky friend grabs me to keep me upright and our crazy gaster asks" you ok sorcerer, i know how much that drains you." I nod" i'm good, we need to get them, thier fear will give me my strength back." I pull myself up and i step aside" after you guys, and remember, we need the wolf girl, the others are too loyal to that utlan, but they'd never hurt one they call thier own, what do you think Demon of Determination? Think you can seperate them from her without causing any dimensional havoc? I don't want the 6 realizing our true power till its too late to stop us." The girl steps foward and i use the term girl very loosly since she died while absorbing monster magic and turned into more of a demon then human and she found me in my void, saved me from being deleted and nursed me to health, though i still glitch from time to time but oh well, its time to start the plan. She nods" thats the easy part, the hard part is making sure i get away unseen, i reccomend having the crazy scientist on hand to knock out the wolf once i have her." I nod and gesture to him and they go in. I collapse onto a couch as i feel my very code glitch, making a portal takes almost all my strength to make and i usually pass out for hours trying to regenerate my strength. I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep so that i can stabilize my code again.
Hello readers! We have almost hit 2k reads!!! Thank you for giving this free time writer a reason to smile at a story, please leave any questions for my characters or even me, so that i can prep for the Q&A. Anyways with balance- SIRABOOKS////

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