teaching of the SOUL

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Error's pov
Well this was definatly an interesting world. They had no idea what SOULs or even what thier magic is or what it means. I frown and i reach out to Fred" yOu dOn'T mInd mE uSiNg YoUr SouL tO DemOnsTraTe a FeW tHinGs?" He nods" i trust you" i smile and i gently reach out with my strings and i clasp them around his soul and i say"yOu'Re gOiNG tO FeEl a PuLLinG sEnSatIon, As lOng aS yOu doN'T fiGhT iT iT shOuLdn'T hUrt, bUt wArn mE iF it doeS, sOmeThiNg cOuLd be wRong." He nods and i slowly pull it out and a yellow glow lights up the area and i say" jUsTiCe, VicEs aRe UsuAlLy IGnoRance anD JuDgEmEntal. BuT i Don'T sEe EitHer iN yOu sO yOu'Re fiNe." He nods with a smile and let his soul go to let him gaze at it since i could tell he was intruiged. " a SoUl cAn hAve mAnY tRaIts aS yOuR sOuL gRowS, JuSt beCauSe iT doEsn'T sHow dOeSn'T mEaN yOu dO nOt hAvE iT." I watch sira pull out her soul and i gape. Her soul was strange since it was broken in two halves, the one on the right a pure white half and the one on the right a black half and they were seperated by a gray energy and she smiles and says" i was born with only half a soul so a demon with only half a soul combined with mine and together we are complete." She pushes her soul back in and she smiles" my trait is balance, a really difficult one to obtain or earn, i've never come across another case of a balance soul in all my years." I nod" bEcAUse iTs a PhEnOmeNaN. A sOuL sPliT iN tWo aNd is sTabIlIzeD? ThE cHaNcEs aRE eXtReMlY sLiM aNd iS mOrE pRonE tO sHaTtEr. HOw aRe YoU eVeN aLiVe?" I look at her in awe when she says" my body can die but my soul cannot, my soul holds itself together and enters another form for it to regain enough magic to rebuild my body." She smiles like it was nothing and i burst out laughing. Everyone looks at us like we're crazy and we probably are. Sira says" what? I've had this happen a few times, it's never fun but i get by." The others are just in shock at what they just heard. I then say" wElL tHaTs NoThIng cOmPaReD tO sOmEoNe'S soUl sO shAtTeRed bUt cAn'T lEt gO bEcAuSe oF bAlAnce." She looks at me in sorrow as she walks over and wraps a wing over my shoulders and suddenly my glitches start increasing and the last noise i hear is
Sira's pov
He crashed as i wrapped a wing around him to comfort him and he just freezes as a massive beep rolls through the air. I sigh and i hold him till the loading bar fills and it suddenly disappeared and he flinches as he comes back to reality. I quickly set him down and he says" ThAnK yOu, pLeAse dOn'T toUCh mE uNlEsS yOu kNow tHaT i cAn sEe yOu dO iT." I nod and i back away with a small smile and hiro comes out with freds suit and he quickly puts it on and he runs to the back yard to check it out. I chuckle and hiro comes out with mine and i slip into the lightweight armor that was plated together like scales and fit me beatifully as i spread my wings and tail out. I say"i'm going outside to test this armor out". Hiro nods and error says" please be careful and try not to be spotted." I nod and i walk out and i flare out my wings i flap hard. My wings relished the open air under my wings after years of leaving them to rest. I let my wings hover as i sat almost a hundred feet in the air. I smile as i turn in midair and i flap softly, steadily gaining speed and i flew close to a building and i open my wings in a turn and i slip through a tight turn, my wings an inch from the building. I laugh as i slow down and i land outside the garage before i close my wings and i walk in. "It was amazing, i can go even tighter with this on!" Hiro respoded calmly" i know, i programed it to be that way, and i'm glad to hear it worked, i used serated pieces of leftover carbon fiber to make blades on your back that make turns faster than you can. And it can be used as a weapon if necessary." I nod" that will certaintly come in handy in a quick getaway." He nods and goes back to making the other suits, hopefully we don't have to use them too soon.

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