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Sira's pov
I watch everyone grab errors rope and he gives me a nod from the bottom of it. I pulled roughly and it didn't get them far" Amy, can you come lend me a paw here?..... Amy? Amy?" I turn my head to see her gone and i gasp" brothers just fly them up and shed disguises, amy is missing!" I focus, my primal draconic flame in my soul flares and my eyes light, creating a deep orange color. My scalp heats up as flame tears through my hair, turning it the same color as the red flame that made it. My wings unravel around my rib area and extend out, my tail following, its multipule sets of fins flaring quickly, shutting and opening quickly. My skin paled to fit my transformation and i sighed in relief as i felt my wings expand and close. Power flooded from me in waves as i drew my sword, cut the rope and ran into the tower.
Amy's pov
That boy dragged me through the candy tower till we got to a alcove and they took thier knife and sliced downwords in a strange arc. A black portal opened up, filling the alcove with an eerie light. He pushed me into the black portal and i land in a strange mansion that simply radiated fear and terror. A man in a black suit and a rich blue bowtie stepped foward. He smiled malicously then grabs the scruff of my neck and my wings flare out, sending several feathers flying from my wings and he drags me to a set of stairs. He then procceds to drag me down them till we reach a cell of some sort. He throws his hand foward and lets me go, causing me to fall to the gound in a heap. My ears perk up as i quickly get up, twitching as i listen around.i wimper as i hope that the others find me here.
Will amy survive the torture that zackory has planned? Or will she fall to darkness? Find out in the next chapter!!! With balance- SIRABOOKS

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