a restraunt full of SOULS

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Sira's pov
We appear through a portal and land in some kind of 1980's resturant that was black and white tiled and the three of us stood in some kind of party room. I sigh" seems my calcuations were off, we were supposed to land outside, not wherever this is." I try to open a portal but it barely sparks and my magic fades" oh just great, it seems were in a no portal zone as well, i'm going to find the exit." And i walk out of the room and i notice a strange foxlike robot charging in my direction and i dive behind the wall again as it races past me. I had felt something peculiur with the robot and i wanted to investigate. I walk slowly as to not draw attention to myself when i felt error and john by my sides, error grabbed my shoulder and my wing hits his back and i felt my other wing touch john, letting me know thier exact location as we continued foward. I listened till i heard the sounds of gears moving and i pull error to the side as the foxlike creature runs past. I keep moving foward and eventually come to some kind of office where i hear a panicked girl prantically screeching" stay away you stupid robots! I'm not being stuffed tonight!" John looks at me confused and i shrug and i slowly walk in, making my footsteps lighter than the animatronics so that i don't totally scare her. John slowly says" hello there nightguard, we're not here to hurt you like those other guys." The nightguard yelps and lunges at me, a laptop in hand and a baseball bat. Error grabs her hand gently and he sets her aside and grabs a bright plastic bunny robot and rips it open and i see an almost pure white soul in the middle and error says" a ChIlDs sOUl? WHaT hAs HaPPenEd hERe?" The nightguard plainly says" there were murders here at freddy's, and almost all of them were supposably stuffed into the suits and left to rot. The bodies have been removed but not the souls  aparently." I shake my head and error slowly takes the soul in his strings and he whispers something to the soul and after a minute, cracks and shatters. This is a world where horrible sins have been made and now others were left with the mess. It needed our help, but much differently from the others.

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