balance form

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Sira's pov

I fly through the portal and i land in a manor of some sort, a dark cold lacing the air against the warmth of my form and soul. I let my magic light in my eyes and i see a man with brown hair and dazzling grey eyes. I quickly step back upon seeing the man who betrayed my love and trust so long ago. Without hestinacy i draw my sword, ataxia's patient blue glow filling the room i stood in. Darkness filled my eyes and laced my magic, filling me with strength. Ice covered my venom filled words as i spoke" Zack, where is Amy? I will spare you the torture you caused me if you tell me." He throws back and laughs icily" your one to talk, Utlan Warrior, i was trapped in our destroyed layer, unable to be free when i was graciously saved by Chara Dreammurr, my code is broken and unfixable, i was nearly deleted from exsistance, but it looks like you got out unscathed!" My wings flared" my mind wasn't spared from the mind bending pain the VOID potrayed to me. The memories of how i failed Accuracy, Merc and Lightning haunt me, thier screams keep me awake, i no longer sleep and i've died hundreds of times the nightmares worse every time!" We both struggle to calm down, our breathing heavy as subtle glitches flare around the both of us. I had loved him once, losing it all when he pushed against me, trapping me till the modern age, where i had learned to trust again, only for it to be torn away, ripping my soul apart, but now. I narrowed my eyes as rage filled every nerve and vein in my body, my soul filing my body and flesh with magic, crackling like lightning, i heard thier voices all roaring in my head" end him and free yourself from the pain!" A javelin formed from the gray lightning striking in my hands. Lightnings pure stormy eyes seemed to meet mine as the clothes i was wearing changed, toughened and forming into metal, my hair lengthening, forming into a hair style i never knew. My wings flaring, the color changing to red and gold as the purple shifted and changed. I roared as ice filled my mind, launching foward as spines ripped from my forearm. I swing with ease, catching him off guard as gold fills my vision. A scale appears but the beam is pure gold, searing into zack when suddenly a red and black form blocks the beam, a small knife that seemed to suck the light out of the air was the only thimg stopping me from my goal of tearing zack to shreads. I launch foward, slicing as i went and i smirk as i feel contact with metal. The sound of ringing metal hits the walls and bounce around. I force the knife out of the beam and the wielders hand. I was not leaving without completing my goal as the Balance Keeper, ending those who would cause harm to all dimensions, and to save my   family!!

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