living food

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Sira's pov
I land softly on a lush green grass that had the mugginess of a rain forest around us. I noticed a massive web that looked like.... cheese? What had happened to this place? My brothers seemed to potray the same look i had as we slowly traversed the strange forest. Sounds that were foriegn to my ears made them twitch under my hood. My hand rested in the hilt of my sword as i studied every shadow of the forest. I saw something swing through the trees as i watched, in the distance i could hear voices saying" SHRIMPANZE, STEVE, SHRIMPANZE, STEVE" and i rushed in that direction to come out to a river with a monkey and a..... shrimpmonkey fighting over a tiny device." Over here!" I cried to the humans aboard and one says" on the port side, lets give those people a lift Earl" a tall man in a police outfit pulls over and we hop on" so what are your guys names and what are you doing here on Chew and Swallow paradise?" I smile softly as i say" Sira and this is John, Comic, Russel, Abyssnal, Erratum and Amy" i point to each in turn and they each nod as i say their names" whats your guys?" A man in a white labcoat and ruffled brown hair says" my name is Flint, and thats Sam Sparks, Manny, Earl, Steve and Brent. We're here to stop the FLYSDMFR/ 90% sure i got that wrong, somebody correct me if so/ and stop the sentient food from destroying the whole world" i slowly look around" nothing has been hostile toward us lately, or in fact at all, but you don't mind if we stick around, just in case?" Flint nods" of course, the more the merrier here" i smiled and nodded and i sit down on the boat, listening to the many strange sounds around. * small timeskip due to plotlines*
We were walking through the forest when i spy some sort of base and i point it out" what happened here?" Flint speaks up" the research teams, this must've been thier base but its covered in cheese webs" i nod and i hand my satchel to John" i can get through no problem." I quickly leap past some web, landing perfectly and i leap through a hole easily while Earl was trying to cut through the web with his hand. I pull my sword from the sheath and i slash upwords, cutting through with ease and i wipe the cheese off on a leaf and i sheath my sword." It seems i'll be handling the webs" Earl nods and i slice through the rest of the web and sans secretly summons a sharp bone and pushes it into the door controls, breaking it. The door opens and we walk in, all that is left is cheesed lab coats and orange vests laying on the ground. My wings nearly collapse at the sight and error puts a hand on my shoulder" i know sis, i know" i go over to the computer and i pull a bit of magic into my palm as i use it as electricity." Erratum, can you hack it? We need to know what they've found out" error nods and focuses as he types, soon the screen comes up with some logs. I put a drive in and it all dowloads and i pull it out, removing my palm and it shuts off. I put the drive into my phone and i read through the logs quickly." As long as we don't have anything from Livecorp then we can pass by the food creatures peacefully. My family will lead from here on out, we can't have you guys ending up like the scientists" they nod" lets go guys, i wanna find out why these guys hate Livecorp" i step outside to see a massive cheeseburger with 8 fry legs. It looked at me with it's seseme seed eyes that covered the top bun" hey, it's ok, i'm not like the guys in orange. I'm a friend." I slowly extend out a hand and i look away, much like one would do for most respectable animals. I felt the breadlike bun under my hand and i slowly look back to see it brushing my hand softly. I smile and giggle, slowly everyone trickles out from behind me and the instant flint comes out with his orange backpack the spider reacted, he had just enough time to fling the pack away before it got snatched up by the spider, who quickly ate it. I gasp softly as i quickly check flint over" ok i'm glad you guys have fast reaction times" flint nods" yeah, let me go tell the others to leave anything Livecorp behind, we're traveling on a spider." He walks inside and soon the others come out, nothing on them to suggest the strange company. I hop on the spider and help everyone on. Once everyone was on i call out" to the FLYNSDMFR, we need to protect it" the spider seems to pulse as it breaks into a run. I gesture to error to pin us down with strings so we didn't fall off. I watched the forest fly by and amy, who had been clinging to me the entire time, seemed to relax and slowly started talking to the group. I only hoped we could find some of her family here.
/ ok guys, zack isn't around so i can relay this message. If you want to warn sira in a way that she'll remember in the story is" ash always follows the eruption, and the sorcerer follows the flame, i cannot tell her myself since zack has locked me in the authors void, i can only write this and send cryptic messages throughout the book, also please, questions are very welcome since i wanna make a q/a but no one is giveing me any to work off of, anyways with balance- SIRABOOKS* diamond wings flutter softly/

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