the missing logout button

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Sira's pov
I watch the hero of this world, a boy by the avatar of "kirito" and he was teaching another new player how to fight when suddenly everyone was forcibly teleported to the beggining plaza and the sky went red with the word in japanese" announcement" and ooze starts to fall downward and form into a man with a red cloak. I shake my head and the man says" i think you've all noticed that something is missing, the Logout button. Now let me tell you that this is not a bug, this us how SAO was intended to be, and if your HP hits 0, a pulse will be sent out to your NerveGear and it will fry your brain, killing you instantly. The same applies if it was removed, which some have already tried and already we are 200 people short of the 10,000 that logged in. The only way to get back to the real world is to beat the 100th floor and the final boss. Then the logout button will reappear. Oh and i placed an item in everyones inventory, hope you all enjoy." He disappears and we three pull out the mirror and i realize that i was back to my old height and i could feel my wings wrapped around me again and i look over to see error looking like himself and john looks like his demonic self and he says," we gotta go, we're sitting ducks like this." I nod and i pull them out of the plaza and error says" wE nEeD tO lEvEl Up, iF wErE gOiNg tO hElP tHeM wE nEeD tO Be sTroNg." I nod" lets go to the next town, i know alot but we need to stay ahead. That and we have to stick to the shadows because of our differences and mission." They nod and we head out to the path and i watch Kirito slice through a wolf with a skill. We follow our swords drawn and glowing with a different color that showed us. Mine violet, errors yellow and johns blue. We had alot of work to do in world and to start it would be to help give the troubled souls hope again.

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