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Sira's pov
I wake up on the small bed to see baymax walking in with the other 6, other than error. I sit up weakly and i lay against the wall and i say" hello everyone, it's good to not just be dust and SOUL." With a bright smile and next i know, i'm being tackled by 5 other people and i feel overwhelming relief coming from them. I smile" though i do still need breathing room." With a chuckle. They all back off and hiro says" Baymax is going back for error and callaghuan, then he's going to drop callaghuan off at the police station with the video evidence of what happened, hopefully its enough to land him in jail for a long time." I nod" i see" i let my wings open and they flop onto the ground. I smile weakly and the others relax and most take off thier helmets. About an hour later error runs in and hugs me while nearly sobbing and i hug him back while rubbing his back softly. After a minute he pulls away" pLeAsE bE mOrE cArEfuL iN tHE fUtUre, YOu gOt tOO cLosE fOr tHis DeStrOyEr's cOmfOrt." I nod" i know, but i know that this worlds electricity is drawn to our magic and sucks it right out. We can't touch those portal things at all. We'll take a major hit from it." He nods" tHe maN wHo PlAnNed tO uSe iT Is GoNe nOw, anD tHe pOlIceE wIlL tEaR iT DoWn aFtEr bAyMaX aNd i dO a ThOroUgH sEaRch Of tHe iNsIde. I'lL neEd yOUr hElP fOr tHAt." I nod" i will help, she's probably still in there." He nods and says" ReSt, YoU nEed iT." I nod and i lay back down and my eyes slowly close. My mind drifted you into a sea of sleepy dreams.
/ finally got all my spelling errors thanks to a fellow reader, my humble thanks to said reader, anyways with balance-SIRABOOKS////

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