A Bravery Soul

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Error's pov
We get inside and i hand off Sira to John and the others and i sit down, picking up a knitting project. She slowly asks," Sorry about how i acted back there, that was- not my usual self." I smile calmly, saying calmly," It'S oK, cOnsIdeRinG hOw eVeRYoNe eLse iN oUr MultIVeRsE TrEaTeD mE." She seemed to notice the darkness in my sockets and she sighs saying," well i never knew about you, except your name." I nod softly, still knitting and i asked," wHy dId yOU sAvE HeR?" She looks over to me strangely and says," i couldn't leave her like that, not in that world." I softly nod," weLL tHanK yOu EvE fOr sAvIng hEr, wE wErE woRRieD sHe wOulDn'T bE aBle To cOMe bAcK fOr sOmE tIme." She nods and says," well if i need you guys i'll be back, or if you need me you'll be able to find me." She makes a orange rimmed portal and steps through, it slamming shut behind her. I sighed and kept knitting.
6 weeks later
Sira's pov
It felt great to finally take off the cloak as my skin finished regenerating, my wings now covered by illusion magic to protect from everybody's grossed out reaction as they healed. I smile and walk through the woods softly when suddenly a portal opens and i see Eve walk through, limping horribly and her socket lights dim, her armor dented horribly. I launch foward, catching her and i lower her down so i could fix her leg. She snaps it in place with a gasp and i quickly tie it off with a gauze bandage and some twigs from her landing. I stand her up carefully, supporting her on her injured side, trying to hurry back to the shack. I really wished i could teleport but my magic was much too weak right now to protect us both. My wings were definatly out of the question since they were only half healed. I hurry back to the shack, calling for error and he bursts out the door, his eyes alight in fear and destructive magic floats through the air and his eye lights land on Eve and he rushes over, scooping her from my arms and rushing inside. I could only hope that she would be ok as abyss lands beside me asking," what happened?" I say shakingly," it's Eve, she's hurt pretty bad but error should be able to fix her." He nods and gives me a soft hug, a powerful calming esscence surrounding us.

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