a fresh breath

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Johns pov
I place sira's soul softly on a bed, letting it hover there. I sigh as i sit down next to it and i used my ink to create a piano and start to play. Every note i hit in the soft melody cried of my sadness. I poured years of pain into every note but i hid it by higher tones. I stop when i sense mabel come in and i turn to face her. Her face was full of tears as she saw sira's soul hovering over the bed." Its true" she said, walking over to the bed and holding her hand out to the soul and i say," she will be reborn, thanks to her soul, thats the heart thats there, she can still hear you, she just can't respond well, maybe a pulse of magic but thats it." A small pulse comes from the soul as mabel touches it." How long will it take? How long till she comes back?" I smile softly,"not long, it just takes a bit of time for her to recover her strength, although you might not want to be here when it happens, its rather disturbing for a preteen to see." She nods and leaves, leaving me to my thoughts. I sit down next to the bed and i say softly," can't wait for you to come back younger sis, these kids definatly have taken a liking to you, i will tell them stories of our travels, maybe help dipper with his unstable spellcasting. Heh i can wait for you to return and eventually wake up. See you soon little sis." I walked out and shut the door behind me, i had no idea that it would be the last time i saw her for awhile. I sat down on the lounge couch and let myself relax, unbeknowest to the new suprise.

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