the soft fluttering of faries

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Sira's pov
My wings felt so numb as i came to. Where was i even? I couldn't feel my brothers close by, were we seperated upon exit from my void? Who knows, but i needed to find them, and where i was. I stand up slowly and i look at my wings. They shimmered lightly in the sunlight and had a strange pattern lining the interior of my wing, i tried to move them and they wouldn't budge. I sigh," seems like flights out for awhile, i better go meet the natives." I grab my bag and i sling it over my shoulder to notice that my clothes were made from dandelion fluff. I sigh" so i'm definatly not tall at all. And my clothes are literally horrible. Just great." I walk through the grass, its simple 6 inch height a tower over my tiny size. I come out at what would be a small stream for a human, but a massive river for me. I leap across small stones and i land on the other side, i notice a subtle chill in the air, like this place was getting colder. I quickly continue on, hoping to find shelter before the storm hit. My draconic ears flickered as i hear soft sounds in the distance, like fluttering wings. I hurry in that direction to see people covering a massive tree in blankets. The freeze must be a bad thing for this tree. I pull out my claws and i start to climb up the tree. As i climb i see a wave of ice incoming for the tree. That mearly speeds my ascent, landing me in the center of the tree. A woman with massive spanning golden wings flies down to me and asks" who are you and what is wrong with your wings?" She flies behind me and goes from where they connect to my back to thier tips. A shimmering gold dust flows through the pattern on my wings and they flutter as feeling soared through them. I sigh in relief" so thats how that works." She nods and says softly," my name is queen Clarion, what is your name little one?" I smile" Sira, Sira Dragonflame, its a pleasure to meet you queen clarion" i hold out my hand in greeting and she takes it gently and shakes." We need help protecting the tree from the freeze. Can you help?" I nod and i focus, the same golden dust that laced my wings wrapping around my hands and i force it outwords, when it came in contact with the freeze my bubble of warmth started to shrink and my wings flutter faster and i pour more strength into it. The warmth slowly spreads to a point i have it contained" i've got it stuck, i don't know for how long though." She nods" at least you can help." I smile and my wings fall down my back, bending naturally down. A fairy dressed in iced leaves flies over and she frosts over my wings and i sigh a bit and they direct us to knotholes in the tree. I follow but the freeze hits and i wrap a small bit of warmth around me as i fall to the ice covered ground. One of the fairys wrap me in a blanket to try and keep warmth in. Soon the sunlight shone through the frozen leaves.i shivered in my blanket and i slowly stood, walking over to a ray of sunshine and i saw it melt through the ice and i stand underneath it, it quickly melted the frost on my wings and i took off the blanket, my wings were a bit damp but i didn't think too much about it. A fairy pulled off her jacket to reveal a broken wing. Everyone gasped but i walked over and i slowly lifted it. I focus on my regenetive magic and i gently lay it on her wing, but it simply fell through the broken area. I sigh and i wrap magic around the whole area and i watch the cut close. Tink is amazed and so is everyone else" how'd you do that? You can't fix a broken wing" i chuckle" you can fix anything if you do it just right, i just had to pull the areas together to mend them. It'll take a day or two to fully mend but you'll be able to fly as long as you're not trying to go fast, otherwords it'll break completely off, and become definatly irrepairable." She nods" alright" she slowly flaps her wings but doesn't get far before she had to set down. Though her sister and her spread thier wings and the glow that emitted was amazing. They seperated and tried again, she had a few stops but was able to fly around the tree with ease. I smile softly and i try to fly my old way. I quickly fall to the ground but a fairy in a purple feathered and leaved outfit grabbed me and said" fast flaps, not big ones." I nod and i try it, slowly i settle in the air and she lets me go. Big mistake there, as we found out a second later. I prantically shot out of the tree and i kept flying, i couldn't bring myself to stop. The girl flew next to me and points to the water. I nod and i dive, i crash into the water and i quickly swim up and i break through with a gasp. The girl grabs me and lays me on the shore." I think we need to teach you to stop before we take you flying again." I laugh" yeah, though why did you have me dive into water?" She smiles and gestures to my wings, which were heavy and dripping wet" we're like birds, we can't fly when our wings are wet. Besides, it was the only way to make you stop. Names Vidia by the way, whats yours?" " Sira Dragonflame. Though now that makes sense." She nods softly." I wonder what your talent is, i've seen multiple now." I nod" what do you mean by talents?"
I won't continue this bit if you don't want it, i can always delete the chapter and start anew, please comment and vote, follow if you feel, anyways, with balance- SIRABOOKS///////

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