The Finale

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Ink's pov

We land in the world. It's now or never. Zach looks around, and i locate error's signature." This way Zach, error's nearby." Zach nods," finally. It's time they finally are finished off." I nod in agreement, the goddess and error will regret what happened to Undertale.

Sira's pov
I shudder as i feel Zach's energy." They took the bait, now lets see how long it takes them to set off the trap." Error nods, gripping Eve's hand. Alot was riding on today, it was our last chance to stop them permenatly.

I take off, drawing my sword, and in a moment, Chara is out of the battle woth a simple parry right back into the portal, and i smile as Error engages with Ink and i engage with Zack, the diamond in his forehead glowing lightly, reacting to the amount of raw magic in the air as i slice, meeting Zach's staff and instantly putting him on the defensive.
They were expecting us to run, hide, like we always had- No Longer. Raw energy flexes through me and i don't stop the raw white energy as i breathe it out, shattering the sapphire in Zach's staff.
He kicks, hitting me in the side, but as i dodge, my tail wraps around his leg and he slams into the ground and the moment of battle is finally over.
I fly to the next opponent, X, and Nightmare struggles dodging blasters and bones, i swoop in and swirl, knocking the bones aside.
Nightmare smirks and launches his tentacles, distracting X long enough for me to drive my sword right through that painful button and cleanly shatter it.
3 down, 2 to go.
I turn to ink and i dive straight at him, who's already on the ropes from Error's brash attacks as i sheath my blade. Black flames roll off my fingers and i grab Error's hand, boosting him with the dark energy from the black flames, and Error shatters Ink's brush, and i quickly gather the whole of Ink's art supplies before melting the lot into a pool of wax and plastic, which stunk to high heaven.
I turn to Skele, who smiles and holds up her hands to surrender. I sigh in relief, sitting down. It was finally over.

Months later, nothing much has changed, Error and Eve are happy and thriving together, but i watch from afar, making sure balance thrives everywhere. You may see me around, in the little things. See you all around.

Thank you all so much for waiting for this epic finale, it's a short fight yes- but you all deserved to see this sendoff. My sendoff to a character who was too strong for me to handle. Stay Balanced- SIRABOOKS

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