an unfortunate catch

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Sira's pov
We were just farming some lower level items to give to the lower levels to help them level up when i saw Kirito running with a fishing pole in his hands and i go to the edge of the lake to see a massive fish climb out of the water and kirito wasn't fast enough to move out of the way of it's massive tail and he was flung all the way into the lake. I flare out my wings and i glide over to where he landed and i flap quickly before diving in. The water was clearer than most i had been in and i saw him, disorientened and unable to find the surface and i watched his HP start to dip and i swim down. I grab the collar of his shirt and i pull him up once i had my arms wrapped firmly around him. I break through and i gasp as he silently takes a breath, though he was unconsious. I use my wings to help me to shore and i tell error" make something to help us fan his face so he wakes up, the people he was with will be worried about him." Error nods and he makes a feathered wing that attached to his back with his strings and he fans kirito's face and his eyes slowly flutter open. He coughs a bit then asks" how'd i end up this far from the dock?" " that fish shot you halfway across the lake, i'm going to see if you can walk with assistance then we can head back to where you were." He nods and wraps his arm around my shoulder and i lift him up, making sure he keeps his feet steady. I slowly walk over to the area he was flung from and a girl known as Lightning Flash Asuna came and hugged him and they crash to the ground with a thud and a groan from kirito. I hear him say" asuna, i just nearly drowned, i wouldn't mind alittle room to breathe please." And i chuckle. I politely say" he will be ok, just a bit of HP regen and getting warm and he'll be good in a jiff." Asuna gets up and puts her hand on her rapier and i put my hands up in surrender" i am not an orange or red player nor am i assotiated with any that did not do it without good intentions." My brothers land next to me and error falls on his knee when he lands and i help him up with a smile" how did you find Kirito?" I smile softly" i saw him get flung to the middle, i swam as fast as i could when i saw that he was disoriented and couldn't see up from down, i was lucky to get there before he shattered. Like i said, his HP is low from the hit and nearly drowning, and his tempature is low but thats easily fixable." She slowly starts to calm" i'm a doctor in the real world, and i'm fast enough to save people who have almost hit 0 and i do so proudly." She takes her hand off her rapier" alright, do you mind making sure he's ok when we get him home?" I nod with a smile" my names Siran, you?" " Asuna, but you probably already knew that." I nod" i know some of the front line fighters from my healing expertise, you two are quite the story." I smile and she nods and she lifts kirito up and the three of us follow behind. We walk into a log cabin and asuna sets kirito down on a couch and i gently feel his heartbeat and determine it to be normal then i gently squeeze his upper arm and i sigh as i get the usual rush of blood through the veins. I feel the back of his neck and it's cooler than normal. I nod and stand" his heart rate and blood preasure are normal, he's alittle cold but thats nowhere near where i'd be worried. Just get him a health crystal and warm him up." Asuna nods" alright, and can i have you on my friends list so that i can call you if needed?" I nod and i pull up the invite friend menu, she hits the blue circle and i nod softly." Well, i'll see you around Asuna, hopefully not when someone is in critical condition." She nods and giggles" i hope so too." I smile and walk out to my brothers and John says" i'm guessing it went well?" I nod" i am now her go-to doctor so we'll probably be hearing from her soon, to double check on Kirito's condition." I chuckle and shake my head" she seems like an overprotective woman." We all spread our wings and take off in the forest. Little did i know i would see her sooner than i thought, but not for Kirito, but for another.
To clear up what world this is, this is an anime called "Sword Art Online" and i'm only going through the first two seasons, the third is simply added on story for kirito's story and asuna's irl life really.

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