the abyss's crystals

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Sira's pov
I reached out with my soul again, a spike radiating not far, i speed up and i see an alley, blocked off with these crystal pillars and i look over to error and he says" i cAn'T cUt tHoSe sIs, i TrIed tHe fIrSt tImE." I nod and i tell the guard" if you feel your durability can take it we can try to bust these down, but i know of a way that may get us in faster, though is more unstable." The guard nods" do it, those pillars are nothing like in the info brokers lists of items. I'm pretty sure that they're unbreakable if your brother can't cut them" i nod and i look to john" take it slow, try not to lose anyone, only you can travel like this safely." He nods and spreads his hands. A pentagram sreads at our feet and i grab his arm and the guard grabs me and so does error. i do my best to keep myself from shaking when the ink starts rising up my legs and john strains as it fully covers us. i focus on being calm and not listening to the many voices that spoke in the depths. john opens an exit and pulls me out and i gasp upon exiting the thick ink. The guard and error climb out, error lays against a wall and coughs a bit the guard was coughing alot and i say, alittle breathless" sorry, should've warned to hold your breath since it's a form of liquid travel, you guys alright?" Error nods" i dOn'T tHiNk oUr gUaRd fRiEnd iS tHoUgH, He lOst hIs gRiP aNd tOOk a bReAth oF pUre iNk, i GoT hIm oUt iN tiMe tHaNkfuLly." John walks over and speaks a few words in utlan and the ink flows out of him" give him a minute to get his bearings, the same happened to sira the first time, we should look for abyss, oh and an antidote crystal just to be safe." i nod and pull out one and i toss it to john and he says" cure" and he nods, i stand and error takes a minute to stand and i start walking into the alley. i start tapping out" meglovania" to see if he reacts and i spot more crystal seeds in a bag." abyss?!" i called out, trying to keep my magic calm out of worry" abyss? Its me, Sira, your sister./ god that reminds me of frozen so much/ it's me bro, where are you?" I hear a shaky voice" Sira? I know that signature anywhere" a figure stepped out of the shadows and pulls off a hood to reveal abyss, in all his strength and glory, though his clothes were dirty and slightly worse for wear, but his smile was one of relief as he hugged me and i hughed him back, my wings wrapping around him as well" i found you, thank goodness, what the heck happened to you?" He says slowly" once the game started i tried to level, but quickly got left behind and soon became homeless and Colless and desperate for food. I stole whenever i could from the NPCs, and it was working out ok till somebody spotted me. I ran as fast as i could, but i knew someone would come for me." He pulls up his sleeve where a mark sat on his bones, it looked like an open coffin with a face" they pinned me and burned it onto me, i slammed them down with bones and crystals, but to no avail, i've tried to get rid of it but it's put some kind of debuff on me." I check him and i see a mark on his bar and i tap it and it says" marked by the worst, but would never follow the tasks of a MONSTER" i smile and i say' we'll find a way to get rid of it, trust me." I send him a guild invite and he accepts it." Now lets go to our home." he smiles and starts crying into my shirt. I hold him gently and error hugs him" i'm glad that the death game didn't claim you younger bro. But now we need to ink travel in order to get out of this place you made, besides, a guard was planning to help you even if we weren't here looking, he's still catching his breath from the ink travel." He nods" i'm ready now." John nods and warns the guard to hold his breath and does the ritual again, i take a deep breath as the voices of the ink surround me. I hang onto abyss, who was ahead of me as he swam through the thick ink. Suddenly abyss turned upward and i see the exit. I kick lightly with my feet and i gasp as i break through the surface of the ink and i pull myself out as i slowly catch my breath, the guard climbs out behind me, breathing heavily as he lays against a wall, shaking off the rest of the ink still stuck on him and error climbs out and john closes the rift with a sigh of exhaustion. I grab him as he collapses and the guard says" why don't you guys come over to my place? You guys seem beat after going through that thing twice." I nod" John ususally only takes me and abyss through that method. It's his first time taking so many with him." The guard nods and says" names Klien by the way, i'm sorry about my lack of manners." I nod" Siran and this is Bendy, erratum and abyssnal, my family." He seems slightly scared," so thats why you guys can achieve a form of travel no others can, your not really like a normal person are you?" I slowly shake my head" you probaly felt errors difference when he grabbed you in the ink." He nods" he and abyss are skeleton, Bendy is some kind of demon but i have no clue what you are." I sigh and i step into the light, my wings shine in the low light" i'm a half dragon alien hybrid, i came to help this place and all those who are driven insane in this place." he sighs in relief" so can all of you fly?" i shake my head" error hasn't found a way to make his own yet, though suggestions may help." he nods and gestures us down a street and we follow. He seemed calmer as we walked beside him and i pull in my wings as we step into his home. He suddenly gasps as abyss collapses and i quickly set down john to hurry over and i see he's passed out" he's malnourished since he's been homeless for months. His magic level is too low to keep him awake, get me a piece of food and that should fix him up." I touch his forehead and he was warm, which coincided with my theory and i pull a magic iv out and i put the line into his soul and i saturate it with my healing magic. He comes back with a bun and with errors help( who uses his strings to control abyss's jaw and cause a scare to klien) he eats it and his tempature lowers and i sigh in relief" he'll be ok now, the magic IV will make sure of that. Thank you for letting us stay klien, your a good man, stay that way for the other players who need that kindness." He nods and i pull abyss close to me and john slowly falls and error says" sleEp sIs yOu nEeD iT aFtEr tOdAy." I nod and let my eyes close, hoping for no memories coming back to haunt me.

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