a mystery filled land

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??? Pov
I finally make it back to the shack, hurrying inside." Gruckle stan! Where are you?!" I cried out, my voice filled with worry as my twin, Mabel came to me and asked" Grunckle stan is busy at the moment, who's this dipping sauce?" " a girl i saw in the woods, she has wings and a tail, but i saw bill hit her with a spell and she's been asleep since." She nods and grabs her" i'll take her to the attic bro bro, go down to the basement, maybe there'll be something to help her." I nod and run down to the vending machine, looking around as i check for anyone else nearby, finding no one i type in the code quickly and head into the elevator into the basement. I look around both levels till i find a incantation that said" disspell" on it and i take a picture of it and i rush back upstairs. The girl was breathing heavily and her hair was flushing from brown to red in a stripelike pattern. I start the incantation" esaelp eerf siht esruc morf reh, llepssid!" And her hair suddenly sat at the shade of brown and her breathing lowered as her eyes started fluttering open.( if anyone can translate the spell without trying i'd love to know)
Sira's pov
The turnmoil in my mind started to settle as i woke, the intruder in there gone and fled as my eyes opened with a small gasp. I sit up quickly and i feel the wall behind me keeping me from escaping the two young teens in front of me. I slowly calm my breathing and i saw the Shooting Star, and the Pinetree of that weird wheel i saw on the screen. The boy started talking" hey are you alright? I had to lift a demonic curse from you, you really should've been more careful in the woods." I slowly nod" i'm ok, i was just rattled from the turmoil in my Soul, and thanks to you its settled now, my names Sira, what are your guys?" The girl spoke first" i'm mabel, and this is my brother Dipper, we're the Pine twins." I smile softly" thank you mabel, its a pleasure to meet you both, thanks for saving me, but i need to find my family, they are somewhere within the town and i need to find them before the demon that hurt me hurts them too"

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