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Sira's pov
I wake up and feel the shift in tempature in the air, summer had arrived. I flap my wings as i stand, quickly going and getting rid of any dead crops we had left over from spring and i hoe out an area for summer plants, error comes out and goes to town, buying seeds for us. I then lay down fertilizer and magic pieces off of an attack to culture the seeds. Error comes back and plants the seeds strategically and i cover them back up with a swiss of my tail. But something nagged at the back of my mind, an energy that i can't reach. I finish and i go to our combined bedroom and i lay my tail in my meditative stance and i lift my legs, my tail holding my body up and i close my amber eyes. Soft calm radiates through my system and i reach for that energy, trying to grasp it but something was holding me back. I gasp as i'm yanked from the trance as eve pokes me. I stand on my feet and ask," whats up eve?" She asks softly" since its summer, do you think we could have a girls beach day?" I nod," let me get ready real quick" i quickly gather up some beach supplies and we fly down, landing softly on the soft sand. The day was spent swimming in the deep and just generally having an amazing time. A few days later there was a luao which we provided some ingredients for and had a good time in the hot summer days. I even got to teach her some of the perks of godhood, but the night after the luao error pulled her aside and i picked up with my ears," EvE, i wAntEd tO aSk yOu sOmEthInG" he pulls out his soul and hands it to her. I smirk as i watch her do the same and the bonding process begun. I couldn't be happier of what my family was becoming.
/ i am so sorry everyone..... i'm just glad you guys haven't been begging me to update, i've been trying to find my way as an adult so updates will be slow for the foreseeable future, i'm trying the best i can to make quality stuff for all of you, see you all around and stay balanced-SIRABOOKS/

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