frozen bone

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???'s pov
I carry the girl back to my base and lay her by the fire, lighting it quickly. I make another thermal stone and place it by the flame to warm up, then going to a fridge to grab some jerky. I munch on it to fill me, the memories of home filling me and restoring hope to me. A soft stirring woke the grass and the girl started to wake up. She shivered and saw the fire pit saying," what? How? Where?" She tries to stand, but i notice her weak stance and i grab her right before she falls and she grips my hand with a yellowed bone full of deactive nerves and thats when it clicks, shes a regenerating being! But how she's surviving is beyond my knowledge. She turns and asks with her head down," who are you, state your name first and i might not chop of your head W haired man." I smile," if you were strong enough to lift your sword there Goddess. Heh, still regenerating there i can see." She sighs and relaxes, sitting down." Fair enough, the names Sira, whats yours smart mouth?" I laugh and say," wilson is my name, Wilson the gentleman scientist. As well as the first one into this hellish world called the Constant, welcome survivor Sira, and may you be able to survive this frozen wasteland." I sit down, handing her a few meatballs." Eat, you'll need your strength Goddess, may i ask of what?" She chuckles and says" Balance, although i can't do much until i regain my full form." I nod," well Chaos is all you'll find here." She chuckles," i can believe it, a treant scared me when i was here first time, ran me till dusk." I nod," Treeguards, the slow bastards, oh well, also your sword is pretty chatty though." She laughs and says" Ataxia, did you just about chat the gentlemans ear off?" The sword glows a faint blue and she laughs and says," sorry about him, he gets worried about me alittle too much sometimes." I nod" understandable enough, with this world it makes sense to worry."

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