a child killers body

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Errors pov
Dammit, these robots are being powered by children souls and the kids didn't even want to die like me. I need to give them a chance to let go where i couldn't. I walk to another robot and i do the same that i did to the first robot and i slowly pulled out the soul and i say" Go Be fReE, LeT gO oF tHe hAtE aNd bE fReE." It slowly starts to crack but i can tell it's still hanging on and it shows a picture of a golden bear and it seems to say" my brother, he needs to be free as well." I nod" fReEdOm wIlL hApPen, He wIlL jOiN yOu sHorTlY." I walk through the halls with the cracked soul in hand and john fades through the wall" whats wrong error? Whats with the kids soul you have there?" I chuckle and say" KiD wOn'T lEt gO uNleSs hIs bRoThEr iS fReE tO, i JusT hAvE tO fInd a GoLdeN bEaR aNd i CaN fReE tHeM bOth." John nods" i can hang onto this guy for the time being, if he would let me." I nod and slowly holds out the soul and i let my strings loosen and its pulse is sent out farther, casting a gentle light in the hall and john uses his ink to hold it close and gently. He shivers slightly and says" its so strange, i'm holding a childs life force, even if its body is long gone, its still so strong." His voice was so different, it sounded like a normal mans instead of his deep demonic voice. I nod and i walk away. I let my magic reach out in search of this golden bear. Hopefully it lets go once his brothers soul is present, after all, its natural just to let go after awhile.

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