a game of death

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We slowly step out of the portal and i felt a distinctive lack of anything magic related so i quickly hide my wings and i hide my strange features to make me look more human. John uses his ink to make a humanlike form and he steps into it, giving him control and he does the same for error. Error sighs and says" this world is so weird and my voice sounds normal?" I chuckle and say" yeah, we have to blend in with normal people since we don't want the goverment on our heels. This is a world where no magic exists, only extremely advanced tech. In this world there is a game that changes the world, and the launch day is tommorow, so all 3 of us are getting the tech and the game and logging in, we will help the people inside the game." Error and john nod and we walk into a game shop" i made sure that i gave us enough currency to buy both game and tech and i rented a place for awhile, don't worry i know the way." We buy the NerveGear headset and we head to the place we were renting for awhile and i had 3 matresses set up for us when we link up. John asks" so what are we going to be doing while we're unconsious in the game?" " playing the game and trying to survive, i'm pretty sure that none of us can die irl but everyone else in there can." John nods and we all go through the calibration sequence then john goes to bed, prepping for the long day tommorow.
The next day
We go back to the shop in the early morning and we buy SAO and we go back to the apartment and we all lay down to start linking up, i go in first and i say calmly" link start." And my soul is pulled into a virtual form and i make the avatar name of Siran/ pronounced siren/ and i login. I exhale as i feel the codes slowly create my character and i stand in a cobbled town with a massive castle in the distance and i watch two other forms come into exsistence and one of those forms say" what the heck is this place? Are we in?" I walk over" erratum and bendy huh? It's me sira." They nod and bendy says" yeah it's us, so now what?" I smile and i get a sword for error and i say" this place is all about swords so i reccomend that we all have one to start and then we'll head out to the fields to practice using sword skills." I say as i hand the short sword to error" i have no idea if our magic works here so we can run tests for that as well." They nod and we head to the fields right outside town and i draw my onoranium sword and it barely glistened in the light. The pale blue light gently shining against the other colors of this world. Ataxia's voice lingers in my head saying" i cannot fly around like i usually can so please don't drop me, i can control the sword skills you have and you just give the word and we'll see what you can do here." I nod and i pull back my arm and i see my blade glow with a bright blue and i launch myself foward, the sword cleanly slices into the boar in front of me and it's HP drops to 0, causing it to shatter. This world had alot in store for the 3 of us. We would need to prevent the insanity that will come after the end of today.

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