leaving the surface

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Sira's pov
I gather the materials for the shield generator and i swim back to the base, we were almost complete with the rocket and error had made a change to the codes that the phasegate that the rocket goes to will send them home. We just need to finish the last piece of the rocket and then we can all depart from this world. I spread my wings as i slide into the base and i let my wings wrap around my chest and i go to the mod station and i make a Cyclops Shield Gen and i dive back out, i swim to the massive platform we had made for the rocket and i hit the button to make the last piece and i let my wings flare out and i flap, flying after weeks of swimming. The bots slowly filed in the blue space as the materials fed through the code to build certain parts of the rocket and i slowly touch down as it finishes and the others stand next to me and i gesture them to the lift which i had to adjust to accomodate baymax's size. The 6 get on the lift and i fly up as it goes up and the 6 pile in and i took a deep breath as i pulled up the code i needed to remotly activate everything with the rocket, the time capsule was preped already and i shut the bulkhead that kept them in from the watery world. I place my hand on the confirm button and the rocket starts to activate. I feel tears flow down my face as i hear" Boosters starting up, life support online, shield generator online, rocket online, powering up." I lower myself to the platform and the rocket slowly raises into the air. I smile knowing that they would get home safely, although they would never know why i locked them in, we would probably never meet again, but i knew that thier world needed them. I wait till i am sure that they are beyond the atmosphere and i watch the time capsule fly beyond my sight and i open a portal" lets go, this world has no inhabitants that are dependant on the balance, it's balanced already anyways. Its time to go." John and error step through and i follow, i had no idea where we would land next and which brother we would pick up next.
I want you guys to help me out, suggestions are open in the comments and i will let you know if i know what your talking about and if not, i'll try to research it. With balance-SIRABOOKS

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