Chapter One

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I winced in pain as he landed yet another blow, this time hitting me squarely in the jaw. I must have done something really bad this time. As he continued battering me I found myself hoping that I would just faint, then I wouldn't have to feel the pain or the blood trickling from my nose. I curled into a ball waiting for the torment to finish. As I lay there, my body screaming in pain, he leaned towards me and spat in my face and stormed out, slamming the front door behind himself. I sat up slowly, my head throbbing slightly. I glanced in the hall mirror and saw the damage. I had a swollen lip, a black eye and some blood running down the side of my face. He had been angry with me before, but never anything like this. I began to cry as I realised that he had changed forever, and I had to get far away from him before he killed me.

I ran upstairs and began to frantically throw clothes into my backpack, desperately hoping that he wouldn't come back for 'round two'. I flung my backpack over my shoulder and made my way downstairs and set off into the cold night.

I walked slowly as with every step my head throbbed, thinking about what had just happened. I was with him for nearly three years, he was so loving and tender until the car accident. He took me away to Florida for our second anniversary, it was the most amazing holiday, we really bonded as a couple. My mum and five year old sister Maddy picked us up from the airport, but he decided to drive home. He swerved to avoid a deer and the car skidded, flipped and rolled down a hill. My mum was killed instantly and Maddy died in my arms. This was almost a year ago, and since then he had been different. I guess he must blame himself. I began to sob as I recalled the memory of the worst day of my life. First my dad walked out on us shortly after Maddy was born, then I lost my mum and little sister.

It suddenly dawned on me that I have no where to go, as he owned the house. I thought for a while, and then it hit me. I would go to Ashton's.

AN- Sorry this chapter is a bit boring and short, but it gets better guys I promise :)

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