Chapter Three

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Ashton's POV

I threw off the covers and ran downstairs, flinging open the lounge door. I flicked on the light switch and saw Laura sitting up, panting and sweating. I rushed over to her.

Laura's POV

I jumped as Ashton flung open the door and rushed over to me. He climbed onto the sofa next to me and pulled me onto his lap. I leant against his chest and cried. He gently stroked my hair and just held me for what felt like an age.

"I'm sorry I woke you Ash." I said crying into his chest.

"Don't worry about it, did you have a nightmare?" he asked.

I nodded.

"About Chris?" he said through clenched teeth.

I nodded.

I sat up and looked at Ashton. I couldn't help but notice that he was topless and his curly hair was messy and sticking up slightly. I smiled at his appearance.

"You should go back up to bed Ash, you don't have to sit with me." I told him guiltily.

"You are trembling, I'm staying here." he stated.

With that he climbed under the blanket and pulled me close to him so that my head was resting on his chest. I snuggled against him and fell asleep instantly with the sound of his slow heart beat echoing in my ear.

The following morning, I woke up to sunlight streaming in the window. I could feel something heavy on my side, as I blinked to clear my vision, I noticed that Ashton's arm was around me. I moved slightly to get more comfortable. Ashton was still asleep as I watched him, I couldn't help but notice how peaceful he looked. I looked at the clock. 6:30. Oh great, I have to get ready for work. I slowly wriggled off the sofa so as not to disturb Ashton. I showered, dressed and did my make-up, when I came back downstairs he was still asleep. One of his curls had fallen across his face and I leant over and gently pushed it aside.

"Hey. " he mumbled

"Morning." I replied absently.

"What time is it?" he asked a little croaky.

"About half seven." I told him

"Oh crap." he exclaimed.

He flung off the covers and ran upstairs. I rolled my eyes, he always oversleeps.

He was back down within a matter of minutes.

"I'll give you a lift to work." he stated.

"You don't need to do that, I can easily walk." I answered.

"I have to go to college anyway, and probably best that I drop you off so that I know you are safe." he stated.

I nodded and followed him out to his car.

The journey was fairly quiet, I was looking forward to getting to work. I am a student nurse in the critical care childens ward. I love the job, although it can be emotional, it's also very rewarding.

Before I knew it, Ashton had pulled up outside the hospital.

"Thanks for the lift Ash." I said.

"Sure, have a good day." he said kindly.

I smiled my thanks and made my way into the hospital.

Unfortunately, the ward had been busy lately, one particular patient held a special place in my heart. Her name was Paige, she was ten and had been in the hospital for a while, she was diagnosed a few months ago with terminal cancer. I would spend a great deal of time with her, trying to keep her positive. As soon as I reached the ward, I went straight over to her.

"Hey, hun how are you this morning?" I asked.

"I'm fine, what happened to your face?" she questioned.

"I fell down the stairs, what do you want to do today?" I enquired.

"Can you read to me?" she asked sweetly.

"Sure sweetie, do you want me to switch the radio off first?" I asked.

She pouted and shook her head, making me laugh, she looked so sweet.

Whilst I was reading to her she randomly leaned over and turned the radio up.

"What are you doing!?" I exclaimed.

"Ssh, I love this song." she said bossily.

I rolled my eyes and listened to the song, it was actually quite good, had a strong beat to it. Once the chorus started she began to sing along. I smiled, it was nice to see her enjoying herself, I hadn't seen her this happy in a long time.

When the song finished she began clapping.

"I love that song!" she stated.

" It's good. " I said.

The patient in the adjacent bed, Amelia, joined in: "They are amazing" she screamed.

"Who sings the song girls?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"5 Seconds of Summer" Amelia squealed.

"Who?" I said slightly confused.

"They haven't been around for that long, I like the drummer, he's really fit." stated Amelia.

"Amelia you are only 13!" I exclaimed.

"So" she pouted.

I rolled my eyes and went to carry on with my work.

The rest of my shift passed fairly quickly and before I knew it four pm had arrived and Ashton text to say that he was waiting outside.

I got in the car and smiled at Ashton. He turned to me happily: "Right, I am taking you shopping!"

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