Chapter Twenty Three

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AN- I dedicate this chapter to KendraLepper and 5sosfangirls :) x

I sighed as I pulled on my dress. It had been a long day at work, and I was getting ready to meet my dad. I pulled on my heels, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

"You ready?" Ashton asked, glancing at me.

He did a double take and stared at me.

"You look beautiful." he said.

I looked down at the dress. It was deep blue, and really fitted.

I smiled at him and took his hand as we made our way to the pub.

I sat at the bar, Ashton by my side as I waited.

"I have a meeting with the boys later, they are meeting us here in an hour." he said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, as he leant against the bar.

"Hi." said a voice behind me. I turned and found myself face to face with my father.

I smiled as he took the stool next to me.

"You are so grown up." he stated proudly.

"I guess." I replied quietly. I could feel Ashton gently stroking my hair. I smiled, he always knew when I was upset.

"So what's been happening?" my dad asked awkwardly.

"Nothing much, I'm doing nursing at college." I replied.

"That's great news. Hi Ashton." he said glancing behind me. Ashton didn't reply he just glared at him. I took Ashton's hand and squeezed it gently.

"So when do you graduate?" he asked me.

"I passed my exam yesterday." I announced.

"Wow, what are you going to do to celebrate?" he said.

"Nothing, I'm going away with Ash tomorrow anyway." I announced as he looked at me in shock.

"So you guys are together?" he asked.

I nodded.

I glanced over his shoulder as I saw a woman staring at us.

"Who is that?" I asked him.

"That's Sheila." he stated.

"Why is she staring?" I asked.

"I told her to wait there." he explained.

"What's going on?" I said sliding off the stool.

He hesitated and then began to speak...

AN- Sorry it's short, I needed a cliffhanger lol!!

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