Chapter Sixty

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Luke's POV

I watched her body language change dramatically as Dale entered the room. I could see that she was squirming slightly, clearly uncomfortable. I looked down at my hand in surprise as she took it.

I couldn't believe it when I asked her about Dale, and she nodded. I felt an anger burning inside of me, like nothing I've ever felt before. I'd always known that Dale was a creep, but I never thought he'd do anything like this.

I was fuming as I walked away from her and slammed the door. I quickly made my way to Dale's house. I banged on the door. He opened it and looked surprised to see me standing there.

"We need to talk." I said as I stormed past him, into the house.

Dale looked at me, waiting for me to speak.

"The boys and I have decided to find another manager." I said quietly, trying to remain calm.

"You mean you've decided." he said.

"I don't care, the boys will listen to me, and I want you gone." I spat.

"What is it I've meant to have done?" he asked innocently.

"Don't play that with me, I know exactly what you have done!" I shouted.

He shrugged at me.

"Laura told me everything, you disgusting bastard!" I shouted.

"Really, I didn't think she'd tell anyone." he chuckled.

I could feel my anger about to boil over.

"No, she didn't tell me I guessed." I whispered.

"Did she actually believe that I could destroy the band?" he smirked.

"So you took advantage of how much she cares about all of us." I hissed.

He didn't respond, he just grinned at me.

"There's a special place in hell reserved for people like you!" I told him condescendingly.

"Oh c'mon Luke, you've been trying to get in her pants for ages, at least I succeeded." he chuckled.

I launched across the room and punched him squarely in the jaw. He gasped and looked at me in shock as I looked down at my sore hand.

"Wow, you've finally shown some backbone." he said glaring at me.

"Don't!" I threatened, my face mere centimetres from his.

He pushed me away, so that I was out of his personal space.

"You leave right now!" I cried.

"I'm not going anywhere." he replied.

"Fine, but you're not our manager anymore, and you can stay the hell away from her!" I hissed.

I walked away from him and reached the door. I hesitated at the door and turned back to him.

"I wouldn't want to be you when Ashton finds out!" I smirked at him, before leaving and slamming the door behind myself.

AN- Yayy good old Luke lol. Hope you guys like this chapter. Please vote and comment :) x

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