Chapter Eight

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I couldn't believe my eyes. Ashton sat drumming along to the song. He looked so happy, a look of deep concentration on his face. He almost seemed lost in the moment. I smiled, I had never seen him look so happy. The fans were singing along, cheering and clapping. My heart swelled with pride, as I watched him. The song came to an end.

"Thanks guys, we have an announcement to make. In a few weeks, we are going on a world tour with One Direction!" announced Luke excitedly.

The crowd erupted, as my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. A world tour, no, this cannot be happening. I was so torn. On one hand I was happy that he was being given this opportunity, it's what he always wanted. On the other, I was terrified that he would be going away. He would be famous, everyone would want to be his friend. He wouldn't want me anymore, I would have nobody. Tears began to roll down my cheeks, as the realisation suddenly dawned on me. The only person left in the world that I cared about would be leaving me. I would be totally alone. I couldn't bear it. I gathered my things and ran out of the hall.

Ashton's POV

I saw Laura hurriedly leaving the hall, she seemed upset about something. I wanted to go after her, but I couldn't abandon the other boys. I continued drumming, but I couldn't stop thinking about her. As soon as the last song ended I threw down my drumsticks and left the stage. Some fans tried to stop me, but I ignored them. I heard Michael call my name but I continued walking.

I would check my house first.

I made it to the house in record time. As I closed the door behind myself, I could see the kitchen light was on. I made my way into the kitchen, and saw her sitting at the island, a half empty bottle of vodka placed next to her. Her head was resting on her arms, her back to me. I wasn't even sure she knew I was there. I placed my hand on her shoulder, she jumped slightly.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

"Yeah, I just need some time alone." she replied quietly. She turned the stool around and faced me. Her face was tear stained, her makeup ruined and her pupils were constricted.

"Are you drunk?" I asked her.

"Ash, please just leave me alone." she pleaded.

I could smell the alcohol on her breath when she spoke.

"No, I won't leave until you tell me what is going on!" I exclaimed impatiently.

She stared at me blankly for a while, as though she couldn't quite see me. Then she began to sob.

"Oh Laura." I said wrapping my arms around her, as she sobbed against my shoulder. It pained me to see her in such anguish. A stray tear rolled down my cheek as I held her and kissed the top of her head, desperately trying to find some way to take away her pain.

"Don't go Ash, I need you." she sobbed.

Her words struck my heart like a spear.

"I'm right here." I told her warmly.

She looked up at me through tear stained eyes, and inched her head closer to me. She closed her eyes and I felt her lips press against mine. The kiss was slow and tender, I gently stroked her cheek. I could feel more tears on her cheeks. She leant back and stared at the floor taking another mouthful of vodka.

"I'm going to be sick." she stated as she left the kitchen and ran upstairs.

I sighed. I couldn't believe what had just happened. The moment I had wanted for so long finally arrived. Maybe she did feel the same.

There was a knock at the door. It was Michael.

"Hey man, did you find her?" he asked, following me to the lounge and taking a seat.

"Yeah" I stated.

A few moments later Laura came back downstairs, looking pale. She lay down on the sofa, her head on my lap. Within moments she was fast asleep. I began to gently stroke her hair. I looked up to see Michael watching me.

"She means a lot to you doesn't she?" he asked.

"Is it that obvious?" I enquired.

He nodded smiling slightly.

"Have you told her?" he replied.

I shook my head.

"I can't tell her, she's been through so much and I don't want her to feel forced into being with me because she's worried about losing me." I stated sadly.

"Maybe she feels the same." he suggested.

"She still loves her ex." I said angrily.

"You don't know that, and even if she does you can love more than one person." he announced.

"Maybe." I replied quietly.

"I'd better go, I'll see you at rehearsals tomorrow." he stated as he left.

I nodded and turned my attention back to Laura. She was still sleeping. She looked so beautiful. I smiled as I recalled the memory of her kissing me. Eventually I drifted off to sleep.

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