Chapter Sixty One

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Laura's POV

I sat on the wall outside Ashton's house waiting for him to come home. Luke was right, I had to tell him, I just didn't know how.

I was so nervous of his reaction. What if hated me, or worse he was disgusted by me. I was so ashamed and embarrassed that I hated the thought of telling him. But I knew that he had a right to know.

I looked up as I saw Ashton and Michael walk around the corner.

"Hey Laura!" Michael cried as he ran over and hugged me tightly.

"Hi Mikey, how's Bonnie?" I asked him.

"She's fine, things are good, she's in America with her family but she's coming over next week." he told me excitedly.

"That's great, I'm so happy for you." I smiled at him.

Michael smiled and looked between Ashton and me.

"I'll give you guys some time to talk." he said before turning away and heading home.

I could feel Ashton's eyes on me as I stared at the floor self consciously.

"Do you want to come inside?" he asked me.

I nodded and jumped off the wall. I slowly followed Ashton into the house and upstairs to his room.

I sat on the edge of the bed nervously.

"It feels weird being back here." I smiled at him.

He laid down on the bed beside me, and placed his head in my lap. I heard him sigh as I gently stroked his curly hair.

"I'm so sorry I left." I whispered.

"I can't put into words how much I missed you." he sighed.

"I missed you too, but I wanted to protect you." I replied quietly.

"Yeah." he whispered.

"Ashton I have to tell you something." I told him.

"No you don't, I don't care who you cheated with, just don't leave me again." he muttered.

"But-" I started.

"It's fine, I forgive you. " he whispered.

I took a deep breath.

"I didn't cheat on you." I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"But you said that the baby might not be mine." he frowned. He looked at my face and saw that I was crying. He sat up and looked at me in concern.

"What's wrong?" he asked worridly.

"I don't know how to tell you this." I whispered as I wiped the tears from my face.

"Please tell me." I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Please don't hate me." I pleaded.

"I won't." he told me, as he gently brushed away my tears.

I looked at him as the realisation slowly dawned on me that I was about to tell him. My biggest secret that I had never wanted to tell anyone, least of all him.

"Do you remember the night that Luke brought me home after I got mugged?" I asked quietly.

He nodded slowly and waited for me to continue.

"Well, I didn't just get mugged." I whispered.

"What happened?" he asked me nervously.

I looked at his concerned face and took a deep breath.

"Well, I got raped." I whispered. I felt a wave of shame wash over me as I told him. I had been abused by a monster, and yet somehow it hurt more now that Ashton knew.

I sat looking at my hands as I waited for him to respond. To scream and shout at me, anything to acknowledge what I'd just told him.

Eventually he stood up and began to pace.

"Please tell me you're joking?" he asked me. I could see that he was physically shaking.

I slowly shook my head, as I felt tears began to run down my cheeks.

He sunk to his knees and wrapped his arms around my legs. I could see tears flowing down his face as he rested his head on my knees.

"I'm so sorry, I should have protected you, it's my job." he muttered.

I quickly knelt next to him on the floor.

"Don't blame yourself." I whispered as I gently took his face in my hands.

He wrapped his arms around me and gently pulled me close. We sat for hours holding each other and crying together.

AN- Sorry about this guys wattpad deleted the end of the chapter!!

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