Chapter Nineteen

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AN- I dedicate this chapter to MichaelaBurlingham for guessing correctly lol! x

I gasped as I looked between my father and Ashton. Ashton looked at me, sympathy in his eyes.

"You knew about this, didn't you?" I asked him quietly.

He nodded and looked at me sadly. I let go of his hand quickly and looked away from him, tears forming in my eyes. As I looked back to my Dad I could see that he looked uncomfortable.

"Hey Laura, you look so much like your Mum." he said emotionally.

"Don't you dare!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry I left." he stated.

I laughed. Seeing him standing here before me made my blood boil. I could feel my hands shaking in anger, my breathing becoming heavier.

"I want to explain myself." Dad said.

"No, we are done!" I screamed at him before turning away and running into the night.

I ran and ran, as the tears streamed down my face. I couldn't understand what he was doing here, and why now after all these years. I just wanted to be left in peace. All the memories of the day he left came rushing back. The look on my Mum's face, Maddy screaming and crying herself to sleep every night. How dare he show up now, he hadn't been around all those years when I needed him. I didn't even want answers, it didn't matter anymore. My family would never be whole again. I was hurt that Ashton hadn't told me that it was Dad who had been following me all along. I couldn't trust anyone.

As I continued to run, I found myself back at the house. I quickly opened the door and heard the other boys messing about in the lounge. I quietly closed the door and tiptoed into the hall. I jumped as Luke came around the corner. I looked up at him.

"Jeez Laura, what happened, are you okay?" he asked worridly.

I nodded.

"What happened, where's Ashton?" he asked.

I shrugged and began to cry. Luke crossed the hall and held me tightly as I cried against his chest.

"Ssh" he whispered.

"Ashton lied to me." I told him.

He didn't respond, just held me tighter and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm going to bed." I stated as he let go of me and I ran upstairs. I quickly changed and climbed into bed, pulling the covers over my head, desperately trying to shut out the world, and all the pain. I began to sob, I had never felt so alone. I heard the bedroom door close and Ashton crawled under the covers.

"I'm sorry." he said as he lay next to me.

I continued crying, unable to make eye contact with him. He gently brushed the tears away with his thumb.

"I've messed up, I'm so sorry." he said sadly. I knew he hated to see me upset.

"You should have told me Ash." I replied quietly.

"I know, I just wanted to protect you." he said sighing.

"I need a glass of water." I announced, climbing out of the bed and making my way downstairs. As I entered the kitchen I saw Luke standing in the corner texting.

"Feeling better." he asked me.

"Not really." I answered as I crossed to the sink and filled a glass with water. As I turned around I walked into him.

"Sorry." I mumbled shyly.

"It's fine." he whispered as he looked at my lips. He leant towards me and I knew that he was going to kiss me. Our lips were virtually touching when I pulled away and squeezed past him running upstairs. I returned to bed and lay on my side, my back to Ashton. I lay awake for hours, deep in thought until eventually I fell asleep.

AN: Sorry this chapter is a bit boring! Would love some comments :) x

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