Chapter Thirty Three

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I dedicate this chapter to @R5sosSamJena for being such a nice friend :)

I awoke as the sunlight streamed in the

window. I stretched and sighed in contentment as I heard Ashton breathing heavily beside me. My limbs were aching as I moved. I had no energy. Ashton stirred and turned to face me.

"Morning." he said huskily.

"Hey you." I smiled at him.

His brow furrowed in concern, as he looked at me.

"What's wrong?" he whispered softly.

"Nothing." I told him, slightly confused.

"You are really pale." he said as he pressed his hand against my forehead.

"Jeez, you have a temperature." he added.

I shrugged.

"Are you coming down with something baby?" he asked me. I could hear the concern in his voice as he pulled me towards him. I snuggled against his chest as he rested his chin on my head.

"I'm fine, I just feel really tired." I stated quietly as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

My eyes bolted open. Ashton had gone. I glanced at the clock and it read 1pm. I sighed and slowly climbed out of bed and padded around, looking for Ashton. I wandered over to the sofa and sat next to him. He placed his arm around my shoulder.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me.

"Really hot." I said as fanned myself with a magazine.

"You feel hot." he replied watching me.

"You look hot." I smiled at him.

He nodded and I elbowed him in the ribs.

"You should go to the doctors." he suggested.

I nodded at him.

"Good, I already booked you an appointment." he announced proudly.

I rolled my eyes, causing him to chuckle.

The rest of the day passed quickly, and before I knew it Ashton had to leave for the stadium.

"I'll come with you." I told him rising slowly from the chair.

"No, you should stay here and rest." he told me, as he pulled on his leather jacket.

"Are you kidding, I want to see you guys perform." I told him stubbornly. He smiled at me, as he took my hand and led me outside.

We reached the stadium and as Ashton led me backstage, I saw Calum, Luke and Michael standing nervously, waiting to go on stage. I smiled at them, trying to reassure them. I could hear the crowd screaming, as they buzzed with anticipation. I hugged each of them in turn.

"Go out there and kill it guys." I told them.

They smiled and made their way towards the stage. Just before he stepped out, Ashton looked back and mouthed I love you, before stepping out onto the stage. The crowd erupted, I covered my ears against the deafening roar. The song started. I smiled as Ashton started drumming the beat.

"Hey." said a voice behind me. I turned and faced a girl. She was beautiful, her long dark hair flowing down her shoulders.

"I'm Abbie." she announced happily.

"Hi, I'm Laura." I replied quietly.

"Are you a fan?" I added.

"No, I'm a friend of Harry's." she stated laughing slightly smugly.

I nodded and turned my attention back to the stage. Luke was singing his solo in amnesia. I couldn't help but notice what an amazing voice he had.

"I know Ashton too." Abbie said from behind me.

I turned to face her. "Really?" I questioned.

"Yeah, we had a thing a while ago." she said.

"A thing?" I snapped slightly.

She nooded. "It was ages ago, but I still really like him."

I glared at her.

"So are you dating Luke, the way he looks at you, it's so sweet." she stated.

"No, we're just friends." I sighed. I couldn't understand what she meant, Luke just saw me as a friend, didn't he?

She raised her eyebrow at me.

"Besides, I'm dating Ashton." I added, my heart swelling with pride.

"Oh." she said.

We watched the rest of the show in silence. I couldn't stop thinking about her as she stood behind me. Was she lying about her and Ashton, and why had he never mentioned her to me before. She had made it clear that she still had feelings for Ashton, did he feel the same. I knew that I was overreacting but at the same time, I couldn't stop the doubt from creeping in.

Eventually the boys walked off stage and Ashton ran over and gave me a sweaty hug. I wrinkled my nose and he chuckled.

I could see Dale wandering towards the group. My heart began to thud, as I wandered over and stood behind Luke, hiding slightly. Luke looked round at me, frowned and turned back to Dale.

"Some of the fans would like to come backstage and meet you guys if you are happy to do that." he asked the boys.

"Sure." said Michael as the others nodded.

A few moments later a small group of fans had gathered. I smiled as the boys took pictures, hugged and chatted to the fans. They looked so happy. Once the fans left, Abbie made her way over to Ashton and they began to talk. I tried to hear what they were saying, but I was to far away. I felt someone squeeze my hand and turned to see Luke standing next to me. I smiled at him and continued watching Ashton. I felt a pang of jealously as I watched Abbie embrace him.

"What's the deal with her?" I asked Luke.

"Who?" he answered.

"That girl, Abbie." I replied gesturing towards her.

He shrugged and shifted his feet uncomfortably.

"Luke you suck at lying." I told him.

"I think she had a thing for him a while ago." he sighed.

"It looks like she still does." I replied angrily as she giggled flirtily at Ashton.

I could feel my grip on Luke's hand tightening in my anger.

"Did they date?" I enquired.

"Not that I know of I think it was more of a casual fling." he said quietly.

"You mean he slept with her." I said through gritted teeth.

"I guess." Luke replied awkwardly.

"Everyone has a past, Laura." he added.

We stood in silence for a while, as I gradually got angrier. Luke looked at the floor, I could tell that he wanted to tell me something.

"What is it Luke?" I asked him.

He turned towards me, and looked at me intensely. As I looked into his deep blue eyes, I couldn't interpret his expression.

"We need to talk." he whispered softly. ...

AN: I'm curious, are you guys Team Ash or Team Luke? Please vote :)

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