Chapter Nine

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Laura's POV

As I slowly woke up, my head began to throb. I opened my eyes and squinted against the sunlight streaming in the window. I could hear someone else breathing deeply and as I shifted position slightly I saw that my head was in Ashton's lap. How did we end up here. I thought. I didn't remember much from last night. I remembered the concert, and coming home but the rest was a blur. I made my way to the bathroom and showered. When I came back downstairs, Ashton was in the kitchen making coffee.

"Would you like a cup?" he asked cheerfully.

I nodded and threw myself onto the stool.

"Laura you look awful!" he stated watching me.

"That's because I'm hungover." I snapped. I wasn't really in the mood for making small talk with him, I was still upset about his announcement last night and I knew that for my own protection I would have to distance myself from him so that it would hurt less when he left.

He made me a cup of coffee and set it down in front of me.

"I have rehearsals with the boys in half hour, do you want to come and watch?" he asked quietly.

I shook my head.

"It'll be fun, you can meet the other boys and see Luke again." he said hopefully.

"No thanks." I answered quietly as I rose from the stool and left, closing the front door behind myself.

Ashton's POV

I was taken aback when she walked away, leaving me standing, gazing after her. I couldn't understand what I had done. Maybe she was upset about kissing me. I sighed and left for rehearsals.

A few hours later, I returned home. I searched the house for Laura, but I couldn't find her anywhere.

"Mum, have you seen Laura?" I called.

"No, I haven't seen her all day." she called back.

I called her phone, but it was switched off. I began to pace.

"Didn't she say where she was going?" Mum asked.

I shook my head and continued pacing.

"Ashton, stop pacing, she's a grown woman that can take care of herself. " Mum announced impatiently.

I glared at her and threw myself down on the sofa, staring at my phone, desperately hoping that she would call me back.

"Don't forget, your Dad and I are going away tomorrow for our anniversary. We'll only be gone a couple of days." she stated.

"I thought you weren't going until the twenty third?" I asked.

"Tomorrow is the twenty third Ashton!" she snapped slightly.

I sat up and started at her.

"Hold on, it's the twenty second today?!" I yelled standing up.

I grabbed my jacket and virtually ran to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Mum called.

"I know where she is." I yelled back as I closed the door.

I couldn't believe I had lost track of the date.....

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