Chapter Thirty

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"There's nothing to tell Ashton!" Luke cried.

I stared at him for a while, the frustration clearly visible on my face. I knew there was something he wasn't telling me. I could see the guilt written all over his face. I had been friends with him for a while, and yet here he was lying to me. I wouldn't allow him to come between me and her. My head was spinning, what was so important that he couldn't tell me. What had happened last night, and why would neither of them tell me the truth. I couldn't help but wonder if something had happened between the two of them. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts, but the doubt was creeping in and no matter how hard I tried it wouldn't go away.

"I'll never forgive you for this Luke." I whispered.

Luke's POV

I felt really sorry for Ashton. I knew how much Laura meant to him, it was obvious from the way he looked at her. I knew I was betraying his trust by lying to him, but I had made a promise to Laura. I felt so guilty.

"I'll never forgive you for this Luke." Ashton whispered.

His words hit me like a hammer. The last thing I wanted was to lose him as a friend. I didn't know what to say or do to fix things. I hated upsetting people, but whatever I said or did I would upset one of them. I realised I would have to speak to Laura later.

Ashton's POV

Suddenly Laura began to twitch. Tears were slowly running down her cheeks as she whispered my name in her sleep.

"It's okay baby." I whispered as I stroked her hair trying to calm her down. It didn't seem to be working, her movements were becoming more and more eratic as she became increasingly distressed. Michael, Calum and Dale had turned around in their seats and were watching. I knew she was having another nightmare, I couldn't believe they had returned. Ever since we got together, the nightmares had ended. But now they were back. All of a sudden she screamed an ear piercing scream, that caused everyone to jump. She leapt up from the seat and stared at me as I stood up. I could see the pain and fear in her features and I knew that she wasn't yet fully awake. I walked towards her and took her hand. She screamed again and pulled away.

"It's just me, babe." I told her sadly.

I took a step closer to her, resisting the urge to pull her into my arms. She stepped back.

"Please baby." I said quietly.

"Stay back!" she screamed.

"It was just a dream." I whispered slowly stepping towards her again.

"Get away!" she cried.

I stood rooted to the spot, as Luke stood between the two of us. My heart felt like it had been wrenched out of my chest as she ran into Luke's arms and began to cry as he held her tightly. I swallowed the lump that was rising in my throat, as I watched my girlfriend in the arms of another man. I should be the one comforting her not him. I was seething. I had to remove myself from the situation. I squeezed past them and made my way to the toilet. I had to be alone for a while.

Laura's POV

I eventually pulled away from Luke, and wiped the tears from my face with the back of my hand. I was still shaking from the adrenaline that was pumping through my veins. A pang of guilt crept in as I realised how I behaved towards Ashton. I slowly made my way back over to my seat and sat down, as Luke took his seat next to me. I sighed in frustration. I couldn't let Dale's actions destroy my life, but it seemed to be happening. My life was unravelling in front of my eyes. Everything that was important to me, was being slowly and painfully destroyed. I couldn't bear the thought that he would come between Ashton and me. I couldn't face life without him.

About half an hour later Ashton returned and silently took his seat. I watched him closely, hoping to find out if I had upset him. His jaw was set and his face slightly red. I knew he was angry, I had hurt him, by going to Luke and not him once again.

"Ash?" I questioned.

He had his back to me and didn't respond.

I reached out and touched his shoulder, trying to get him to turn around and acknowledge me. He shrugged me off and continued staring out the window in silence. I glanced at Luke who smiled at me nervously. I picked up a magazine, and began to read it, trying to forget the uncomfortable situation that seemed to be unfolding before my eyes.

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