Chapter Six

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Oh god, now I really am paranoid.

"What did you buy?" Luke asked rummaging in my bag. I watched as he pulled out my dress and held it up to himself.

"Do you think it will suit me?" he asked twirling excitedly.

I burst out laughing as I watched him.

"You're such an idiot." I said still laughing.

"Yeah, but I made you laugh." he stated proudly as he sat back down.

I smiled at him and glanced down the balcony. The guy was still standing there, not doing anything, just watching.

"Hey, Luke, do you think we could move down the end of the balcony, there is a draft here?" I lied quickly.

"Sure." he answered and helped me to move my shopping.

Shortly after we moved places, Ashton joined us with the pizza.

"Why did you guys move?" he asked.

"Laura was cold." Luke explained.

Ashton nodded and began tucking into the pizza with Luke. I peered over the balcony and saw that he had followed us along, so that he was standing within view of our table. I gasped.

"Laura, are you alright?" Ashton asked worridly.

I nodded, slightly speechless. I wanted to know who this guy was and what he wanted, so I rose from the table to make my way to the level below.

"Where are you going?" Ashton called.

I ignored him and carried on walking, I had made my decision and I didn't want him trying to convince me to change my mind. I realised that if this guy was following me, then I would rather confront him in a public place. I felt comforted knowing that Ashton and Luke would be watching from the balcony, I know they've got my back. I made my way down the stairs towards him, my heart rate pounding faster with every step that I took. I walked over to him, his head was lowered, I couldn't see his face.

"Hey, do I know you?" I asked politely.

He didn't respond, didn't even look up, just continued staring at the floor. I asked him again nervously, still no response. I turned away to leave but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

"Let go of me!" I exclaimed.

He didn't let go, if anything he tightened his grip. The more I tried to pull away from him, the tighter his grip became. I saw Ashton running towards me and before I knew it he launched forward and punched him in the face. I heard a crack and he let go of my wrist, turned and walked away. Ashton pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly.

"Did he hurt you?" he whispered.

"I'm fine." I replied.

He pulled away from me then and took my hand, inspecting every inch of my wrist.

"It looks okay." he stated.

"Told you." I answered quietly.

"Thanks Ash." I said softly.

He smiled and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. It was then that I noticed his knuckles were bleeding.

"Ash, your hand!" I exclaimed.

He looked at it and shrugged.

"I'll drive home." I stated.

We left the mall then, waving to Luke as we left. Once we made it home, I placed some surgical spirit on a cloth began to clean his wound whilst he sat silently, and watched me, wincing occasionally.

Once the wound was clean, I sat and watched him. I cleared my throat.

"Ash, did you see who he was?" I asked nervously, afraid of the answer.

He shook his head.

"Did you?" he asked quietly.

"No, I thought it might have been Chris, but it wasn't." I admitted.

Ashton looked at me for a while and then changed the subject:

"Do I need to put a dressing on my hand?" he asked.

"No leave it open to the air, just keep it clean and dry and it should heal." I stated smiling.

"Yes nurse!" he joked and then added: "I'm going for a shower." he called, as he made his way upstairs.

I nodded and sat on the sofa lost in thought. I knew that he was hiding something from me and he knows that I know. He must have seen who the guy was, even I saw him briefly. I recognised him, but I couldn't place where from. Either Ashton had no idea who he was or he knew exactly, but didn't want to tell me. I knew in my heart that the second option was more likely. I sighed.

Great, now even Ashton isn't being honest with me!

Ashton's POV

I quickly undressed and got into the shower, letting the water cool me down and wash away the adrenaline that was still pumping through my veins. I was taken aback when I saw who he was and I knew that I had to keep him as far away from her as possible. It was my job to protect her, I had made a promise that I intended to keep. I clenched my fists in frustration, why did I have to be put in this position, between lying to her and breaking a promise. The poor girl has been through enough, without all this as well. I sighed and turned off the shower, slamming the cubicle door behind me.

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