Chapter Thirty Five

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AN: I dedicate this chapter to @hoodfeatstyles, check out her awesome fan fic :)

"WHAT THE HELL!" I exclaimed, glaring at the two of them.

They instantly sprung apart and Ashton looked at me, a panicked expression on his face. Abbie smirked at me as Ashton pushed her off his lap and stood up.

"It's not what you think!" he cried desperately as he stepped towards me.

I laughed sarcastically, I was literally shaking with rage.

"SO WHAT WAS IT THEN?" I shouted at him.

He opened his mouth to speak, but at that moment the door opened and Michael entered the room. He casually wandered into the room and sat crossed legged on the floor.

"Laura, you have to trust me, she kissed me!" he exclaimed gesturing towards Abbie.

"Trust you, I don't think so Ash." I spat back at him.

"I guess Ashton got bored of you." Abbie smirked at me, laughing slightly. I looked at her smug expression, and began to get angry. I crossed the room and slapped her face. She put her hand against her face as a red mark slowly began to develop. She was looking at me in shock and I could feel Ashton and Michael's eyes burning into the back of my head.

"If you ever speak to me like that again, you'll be sorry." I hissed at her as my voice cracked slightly.

"And stay the hell away from my boyfriend." I added.

As I said these words, the tears that I had been holding back, began to flow freely down my face.

"Please don't cry, I'm so sorry." Ashton stated kindly. I could hear the emotion in his voice and knew that he was sad that he had upset me. But right now I didn't care.

"Fuck you!" I exclaimed as I turned to run out of the room. I heard him try to follow me.

"Give her some space mate." I heard Michael's voice.

I slammed the door and ran down the hallway, I had no idea where I was going. I just knew I had to get away from Ashton right now. I ran and ran, my legs beginning to burn, but I didn't care. I just wanted to run away from my life. Just when I thought my life couldn't get any worse, now I don't even have Ashton. The thought of him kissing her tenderly and stroking her hair, the way he always did with me, made my heart feel like it was going to burst out of my chest. I needed someone to talk to, someone to hold me and tell me that everything was okay. As this thought flickered into my head, I ran headlong into someone. I glanced up and saw Luke grinning down at me.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" he asked when he saw my tear stained face.

I nodded and threw myself into his arms. I cried and cried whilst he stood and held me. I felt like I belonged in his arms. Ever since the night he brought me home after my run in with Dale, I had begun to feel differently about him. I couldn't place my finger on what it was, I just knew that I needed him in my life, now more than ever. Something was drawing me towards him.

I looked up at him and wiped the tears from my face.

"What's wrong?" he asked me. As I looked into his deep blue eyes, I could see that they were full of concern. On impulse I reached forward and began to kiss him.

"What's going on?" he whispered against my lips.

I pulled away and pressed my finger against his lips.

"Ssh, don't talk." I whispered as I leant forward and kissed him again. I felt him hesitate at first, but then return the kiss. I threw my head back as he planted a trail of soft kisses down my neck. Eventually he returned to my lips and the kiss deepened, it becoming clear how much he desired me. I smiled and ran my hands through his hair as he gently held on to my waist. I placed my hands under his shirt and began gently stroking his chest, causing him to sigh. He lifted my shirt slightly and began to stroke my stomach. His hands moved back to my waist and he moved them slowly down my legs. I gasped and pulled his hair as he stroked my thighs, causing him to chuckle slightly.

I let go of him as my phone stared ringing. I smiled at him and answered the phone.

"Hey." I heard Ashton's voice. As soon as I heard his voice a huge wave of guilt washed over me. What was I doing.

"Hi." I said slightly breathless.

"I'm going back to the hotel, are you coming back so we can talk?" he asked me quietly. I could tell that he still felt guilty.

"I guess." I replied hanging up.

I couldn't believe what had just happened and what could of happened if we hadn't been interrupted. I wasn't this kind of girl. I loved Ashton with all my heart, he was my oxygen, I needed him to be able to exist. But something was drawing me towards Luke, which scared me. I didn't want to hurt either of them. I knew that I would have to train myself to resist Luke, so as not to jeopardise my relationship with Ashton. I couldn't keep running to Luke, every time I was upset.

"I'm sorry that shouldn't have happened." I whispered guiltily.

"Yes it should." he replied, leaning towards my lips. I turned my head away.

"I have to go." I told him.

He looked at me sadly and nodded. I smiled slightly and walked away from him. As I walked away from Luke, I couldn't help but feel that a part of me was missing.

Luke's POV

My heart hurt as she walked away from me. I thought for a moment that she loved me, the way that I loved her. I had longed to kiss her and touch her skin for so long, that I almost couldn't believe it had happened. I knew she regretted it, tears were running down her cheeks the entire time. I wondered what could have happened to make her behave this way. I sighed and made my way back to my hotel room alone.

Laura's POV

Eventually I reached the hotel, and unlocked my bedroom door. I could see that Ashton was pacing. He stopped when he saw me. I closed the door and stood uncomfortably, I had no idea what to say.

"I want to explain myself." he stated eventually.

"Yeah she kissed you." I replied sarcastically.

"I'm telling the truth, I swear." he said quietly.

I walked over to the bed and perched on the edge. He sat next to me awkwardly.

"She sat on my lap and told me she still liked me, and I told her I had a girlfriend. But she kissed me anyway, I think she was hoping you would find out." he stated.

"Luke said she's your ex." I said.

I saw his teeth clench slightly at the mention of Luke's name. My stomach churned.

"No, it was casual." he replied.

"Casual?" I questioned

"Yeah just once, I regret that it happened, I don't even like her." he announced.

"You liked her enough to sleep with her Ashton." I answered.

"No... I." he started but then hesitated.

"Tell me." I prompted.

"I slept with her the night you told me you and Chris were dating. I was so upset, it just kind of happened." he said sighing deeply.

"Why would you be upset about that?" I asked.

"I've loved you for years and then you picked him and not me." he said his voice cracking with emotion, as a stray tear rolled down his cheek. I looked at him in shock. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I had no idea." I said softly as I placed my hand on his knee.

"I know, I never told you about her because she was just a mistake. I didn't realise she would turn up again." he whispered then added. "I have no feelings for her. I love you."

He put his arm around my shoulders as we stared into each others eyes. I didn't know it was possible to love someone as much as I loved Ashton. I couldn't stop my mind from wandering to Luke. I shook my head slightly, trying to forget about him as I sat with Ashton until the early hours of the morning.

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