Chapter Seven

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Ashton's POV

As I got dressed I looked at my watch. Ten to six. Oh shit, I must have been in there longer than I thought! I made my way downstairs, looking for Laura. I couldn't find her anywhere. My heart began to pound against my chest.

"Laura?!" I cried panicking slightly.

"I'm upstairs." she called.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and ran upstairs. She was in my en-suite bathroom doing her makeup.

"You okay?" I asked her leaning against the wall.

"Yeah, I just needed to find a mirror." she stated.

"Well I guess you found one." I replied laughing.

I stood and watched her for a while. She was so beautiful to me, she didn't need make-up. Her skin was lightly tanned and looked so soft that I found myself longing to stroke her cheek on a daily basis. Her eyes were deep blue and they shone like diamonds.

"Ash, did you hear me? she asked.

I snapped out of my thoughts.

" No, what did you say?" I asked quietly.

"I said you need to leave, I need to get changed." she stated slightly impatiently.

I nodded, left the bathroom and closed the door behind myself. I leant against door and slid down it, tucking my knees under my chin and leaning my head back against the door. A few moments later, she opened the door, I toppled over backwards.

"Oh my god Ash, are you alright?"she asked giggling.

I laughed as I stood up. It was then that I looked at her. She looked amazing.

"I thought I'd wear tights and a bolero, so that no one notices." she stated sadly.

I nodded, as I was afraid to speak.

"Lets go then." I said grabbing a jacket.

Laura's POV

As we reached the college car park, I could see that it was packed, there were people everywhere.

"It's busy." I stated looking at Ashton.

"Yeah well the event is in the hall, about half the college students are going, and the other tickets have been sold to the public to raise money for charity." he stated proudly.

"How am I going to get in without a ticket?" I asked as I followed him inside.

"You are with me." he replied.

"No seriously!" I said chuckling.

"I am being serious, I've called in a favour, I would've brought you a ticket but they had sold out." he informed me.

"How did you do that?" I exclaimed.

He grinned at me and carried on walking.

I followed him, struggling to keep up.

"Ashton can you slow down, I am wearing heels!" I exclaimed.

"I guess, but we can't be late." he said slowing down slightly.

"What's so important about a damn charity event?" I asked angrily.

Ashton turned and walked back towards me.

"Nothing, stop being so grumpy." he told me.

Then he began to tickle me. I screamed and tried to get away from him, but he continued, a mischievous glint in his eye. I slipped and fell backwards onto the floor, Ashton landing on top of me, his face inches from mine. I stared into his brown eyes as he stared back. I could feel my cheeks flush.

"Hey, Irwin, save it for the bedroom!" a voice behind us called.

Ashton blushed and slowly, almost reluctantly he stood up and held out his hand to help me up.

"I'm sorry, are you alright?" he whispered in my ear.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered flushing.

The guy who had spoken to Ashton was still standing behind him. Ashton turned towards him.

"What do you want Michael?" he snapped.

"Calum wants to speak to you about tracks." he answered.

"Tough, I'm busy, I'll be there soon." Ashton sighed.

Michael shrugged and walked away.

Ashton took my hand and led me into the hall.

The hall looked amazing, there was a small bar serving drinks in the corner with rows and rows of chairs all facing towards a huge stage. I couldn't help but notice a large sign behind the stage that read: 5sos

"What's with the sign?" I asked him.

"There's a live band, called five seconds of summer." he stated.

"I heard them on the radio the other day, they're good." I said.

He smiled and continued:

"They've been on local radio stations and small gigs to try and get a break." he told me.

He led me to my seat.

"If you wait here, I'll be back." he stated.

I nodded and sat down, watching him walk away through the crowd.

A few minutes later the music started, I looked around for Ashton, worried that he would miss the show. I couldn't see him anywhere. As I looked back to the stage, I saw four lads walk out onto the stage. I recognised Luke but the others were further away and hidden slightly by the bright lights. Several girls within the hall began to scream.

"Hey guys, I'm Calum." yelled the dark haired one.

"I'm Michael." said the green haired guy from earlier.

"I'm Luke." he shouted winking at me.

"I'm Ashton and we are five seconds of summer." he said.

The song started then and the crowd erupted. I stood up transfixed to the spot. I felt like my heart had stopped...

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