Chapter Fifty Six

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Laura's POV

It had taken me nearly a week, but I had finally found someone to flat share with. Her name was Korrine. She was the kindest, craziest girl I had ever met. She was the only person who wasn't bothered about sharing with a pregnant woman! I really respected her for that.

I opened the flat door, and dumped the bag of groceries on the kitchen side.

"Korrine, I got dinner." I called.

"Yayy." she said clapping her hands, as she entered the room.

She began to rummage in the bags, helping herself to the food. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"How's baby?" she asked.

"Fine." I giggled.

"Are you going to tell me whose baby it is?" she nagged. She literally asked me that question everyday, sometimes even more than once.

"I told you, I don't know." I sighed.

She glared at me and carried a bag of doritos over to the sofa.

As I was about to join her, I heard the doorbell buzz. I quickly released the door, and saw a delivery guy, holding a package. I smiled at him and closed the door. As I looked down at the box, I saw that it was for Korrine.

"Package for you." I said sliding it along the table to her.

She giggled excitedly as she began frantically opening the package. I could see that it was a t-shirt, but she covered up the pattern on the front, and ran to her room.

I rolled my eyes and began tucking into the food. I looked up as she came running back in wearing the t-shirt.

"So what do you think?" she asked me excitedly twirling.

I was speechless as I looked at the shirt and saw that it has the five seconds of summer logo on it.

"It's great." I choked.

"You must love five seconds of summer." she grinned.

"They're alright." I whispered. I hadn't realised she was a fan of them, she would freak if she found out about my history with them. I couldn't tell her, as I couldn't talk about it.

"I have two tickets to see them in a couple of weeks, you have to come with me!" she squealed.

"I don't know-" I started.

"Please!" she cried.

"I can't." I said quietly.

"Why not?" she demanded.

"I just can't." I said, as I stood up and ran to my room.

I threw myself down on my bed and began to cry. I had just started to forget about him, but everywhere I went the memories of him haunted me. It was like he was following me. I picked up my phone, and called Luke. He answered almost straight away.

"Hey, how are you?" he said.

"I'm fine, how are you?" I asked him.

"I'm good." he stated.

"How's Ash?" I asked him.

He hesitated before saying:

"He's not bad." he said quietly.

"Luke." I pressed him.

"He's fine." he said quickly. I knew he was lying, but I decided not to dwell on it.

"So you guys are coming back to Australia soon?" I asked.

"Yeah, how did you know." he asked.

"My friend has tickets to your concert." I chuckled.

"Cool, does she want to meet us?" he asked.

"No, I haven't told her that I know you guys." I replied quietly.

"So can we meet up when I'm back." he asked hesitantly.

"Yeah sure, text me." I told him.

As I quickly hung up the phone, and made my way into the living room, I saw Korrine sitting in front of the tv looking excited.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"Five seconds of summer's new song comes out today and they are about to show the video." she squealed.

A few moments later Korrine began to scream as the video appeared. I felt my breathing increase as I waited for Ashton's face to appear on the screen. My breath caught in my throat when he eventually did. He was sitting alone on a wall. I knew he was just acting for the video, but he looked so sad and alone, that I longed to reach out and touch him.

I wish that I could wake up with amnesia

And forget about the stupid little things

Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you

And the memories I never can escape

Coz I'm not fine at all

My heart stopped as I looked into his eyes on the screen. I knew that he was singing those words for me.

"Why are you crying?" Korrine asked me.

I hadn't realised that a steady stream of tears were running down my face.

I shrugged at her and continued staring at the screen. I was mesmerised. Eventually when the song was over, I broke down and cried.

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