Chapter Thirty One

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Ashton sat in silence for the rest of the flight. As soon as we landed he rose from the chair and walked away, leaving the rest of us to follow him. I desperately wanted to catch-up with him, but I knew he didn't want me around right now. Luke squeezed my hand as we walked, trying to reassure me.

Eventually we reached the hotel, Ashton made his way to our room alone. I followed him. I slowly opened the door and saw him laying on the bed staring at the ceiling. I slowly walked over and stood by the bed.

"I'm sorry." I said as my bottom lip began to wobble. I couldn't bear the thought that I'd hurt him.

He sighed as he stood up and made eye contact with me.

"Promise me, nothing is going on between you and Luke." he whispered.

"I promise. I love you Ash." I stated.

He looked at me for a long time, I could tell he was trying to decide whether or not, I was telling the truth.

"I love you too." he said pulling me into his arms. I relaxed into his arms.

"What was your nightmare about?" he whispered softly.

I sighed as I realised that I would have to lie to him once again.

"I was being attacked again, but this time by you." I told him.

He pulled away from me then and looked into my eyes.

"You know I'd never hurt you right?" he asked me.

"I know, it was just a dream." I said.

He nodded.

"I have rehearsals, do you want to come?" he asked me.

"I'll be down in a bit." I answered.

He pecked me on the cheek and left. As soon as he had gone I sighed and threw myself down on the bed. I was so confused. I loved Ashton, I always had, but I had a bond with Luke. He was the only one who knew what had happened to me that night. The only one that I could talk to. The fact that he knew exactly what I was feeling was drawing me towards him. I didn't want to hurt Ashton, but I couldn't stay away from Luke. I needed him right now. The situation was becoming more and more complicated. I rose from the bed, showered, and dressed in my favourite skinny jeans and purple top. As I pulled on my heels, I heard my phone buzzing. I picked it up and read the message:

We are rehearsing at the studio across from the hotel. Hope to see you soon. Ash x

I smiled as I read the message and made my way downstairs. As I walked to the studio I noticed a pizza takeout. On impulse I decided to bring the boys a pizza. I eventually emerged from the pizza store, and opened the main door to the studio. I wandered around, but I couldn't find the boys anywhere. I opened the door to the studio and gasped as I saw Dale sitting on a chair in the corner a young girl sitting on his lap. I rolled my eyes and turned to leave.

"Wait!" he cried stopping me dead in my tracks.

I turned back to face him.

"You've got company." I snapped.

"Me and her are done." he announced as he pushed the girl from his lap. She looked daggers at him as she left. I began to follow her.

"Don't even think about it!" he hissed as my hand hovered on the door knob.

I kept my back to him as I heard him cross the room and stand behind me.

"Turn around and face me!" he stated menacingly.

I turned around slowly and found our faces were virtually touching. I stepped back and whimpered as my back hit against the door, the knob digging into my back. He followed me, as our faces were inches apart.

"Now we have to talk." he announced as he stroked my cheek.....

AN: Hope you like this guys, please comment :) x

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