Chapter Forty Two

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After Dale had finished with me, I slowly trudged my way to mine and Ashton's room. I didn't know how he would react when he saw me, but I needed to shower and change. I placed my hand on the door knob and hesitantly turned it. As I entered the room I saw Ashton laying on the bed, staring at the wall. He seemed lost in thought. I stood by the door, nervously hovering, as I waited for him to acknowledge me. Eventually I cleared my throat.

"Do you mind if I shower?" I asked nervously.

He shrugged, not even looking at me.

I felt tears prick my eyes, but I resisted the urge to cry. I wanted so badly to run into his arms, but I knew that I couldn't. I quickly rummaged in the drawer for some clean clothes, and made my way into the bathroom, locking the door behind myself.

Ashton's POV

I sighed as I heard her close the bathroom door. The tension between us was so uncomfortable. I hated that things were this way between us. I wanted her beside me, I wanted to hold her tightly and never let go. But I couldn't. I was too hurt by her actions. I couldn't help but wonder if Luke was right, maybe she did love him. Did she love him more than me. Would I eventually lose her to Luke. I knew that she wanted to talk about us, to try and fix things. I knew that we would have to talk at some point, but I couldn't face it right now.

Eventually she emerged from the shower. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her standing, watching me, looking uncomfortable. Eventually I glanced at her.

"I love you, Ash." she whispered.

I turned away from her.

"How many times do I have to apologise!" she exclaimed as she started to sob.

"I'm sure Luke will be able to comfort you!" I snapped.

As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted them.

"Laura...." I whispered as I rose from the bed.

But it was to late. I saw the shock on her face, before she turned and ran out of the room.

Laura's POV

His words hurt. I couldn't believe he had just said that. As he rose from the bed, I could see he regretted it, but it was to late. He'd already said it.

As I ran out of the room, I had no idea where I was running too. I needed someone to hold me, and tell me that everything was okay. I don't know how I got there, but I found myself knocking on Luke's door.

Calum answered and frowned at me as he saw that I had been crying.

"Hey Laura." he said smiling.

"Is Luke around?" I asked desperately.

"No, he was a bit down, so Michael and Bonnie took him clubbing." he said chuckling.

I nodded and walked away. I heard Calum close the door. Now I really had nowhere to go and no one to talk too. I slowly trudged back upstairs and stood outside Ashton's door. I leant my head against the door and placed my hand on it. He was just the other side of the door. I placed my back against the door, and slowly slid down it. I leant my head against the frame as I closed my eyes. I couldn't even cry anymore, I didn't have anything left. I sat outside his door all night. I needed to stay here. To feel close to him, to convince myself that he still loved and needed me as much as I loved and needed him....

AN- Please vote and comment guys :)

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